

  • The levels and kinds of preservatives in wine are the cause of most "wine hangovers". The have these little bottles in the bottle stores here that have a liquid in them that binds preservatives, you put a drop in each glass or five in the bottle, swirl and it prevents it. Maybe give that a go next time.
  • Tiredness is generally: Deficiency: especially iron, b12, protein, potassium, maybe even iodine. Not eating enough calories, are you meeting your minimums? Not enough sleep Not enough high quality sleep. To increase sleep quality you need a good diet, some regular exercise even if it's just going for a walk, a healthy…
  • That said, if you are big on supplements you can probably manage that on a dirty diet.
  • Losing weight eating crap was quick, but my skin and hair were awful, I slept all the time and couldn't concentrate, I got sick easily and I was always bloated. I lose weight eating well slowly, I feel and look better. I think it's just a basic nutrient thing, ****ty diets have ****ty nutritional profiles and lead to…
  • I try to stay completely away from processed foods, so protein powders aren't really my thing, but I'm sure I could throw some more beans and legumes into my diet. I just keep forgetting to either put them on soak or take them off soak. Well, thanks for the advice guys. I really do appreciate it.
  • I'm assuming lean mass is your weight without the fat? If I'm 195~ at 41% body fat then I'm guessing that would mean I need around 110-120g a day right?
  • As far as the gym goes, I'm a recovering smoker (6 deathsticks this month, all more than 14 days ago ^_^) with a dodgy knee so I'm pretty shot when it comes to exercise at the moment. I am making slow progress with weights and cardio though. I would guess that when I stop making progress I need more protein? How can you…
  • The last week has been 50-80g
  • Lower carb would make more sense, I hit about half the daily recommendation on here. I eat mostly vegetables, seeds and nuts, and use a few tablespoons of coconut oil in my breakfast, I find it stops me from craving fatty foods and binging later in the day because I'm starving.
  • May be showing my ignorance, but doesn't the body convert fat to glucose?
  • For me it feeds the junk food machine. I'm better off eating natural fruit sugars, it stops me craving that really sweet delicious binge food.