

  • Don't focus on the pounds girly. If you keep active and do what you've been doing your body will change. You didn't gain weight overnight.. you're sure not gonna lose it quickly (even though we wish we could) You know I love ya and I'm cheering you on! You had a good accomplishment this week.. you said your Zumba class…
  • CONGRATS!!! You should be sooo proud of yourself! I'm glad to hear your cardio plan has paid off. Currently it's what I'm doing. An hour of cardio a day.. 5 days a week (with some strength thrown in) You look awesome! Keep up the awesome work!
  • Congrats!! Thanks so much for posting this!! You started at the exact same weight as I did.. so I might have to keep coming back and reading your story and looking at your pics to stay motivated :)
  • not enough.. that's for sure
  • We're almost twins :) I'm a mom of 2. My kids are older so I have been going to the Y to workout while they are at school.(and I workout at home too) *on week 2* I'm 215lbs and my goal is 150lbs by Oct 2012 I'm in this for the long haul. I recently quit smoking and now my next thing to change is my workout/eating habit…
  • Hey :) I've been meaning to start reading forums. I joined prob about a week ago. I've been a working out fool and not seeing progress on the scale yet (have in my body though) and I'm not letting it get to me YET but I'm sure the more I surround myself with others the better :) My main goal is to lose my weight by Oct…