daved71 Member


  • This is funny, my wife just strained her calf this morning and we are running our first half next weekend also. I will need to follow this thread for her. I did tell her that we could walk the half and I would be fine with that. Dave
  • My first will be the Detroit half in October. Lots of training time since I am a novice runner who has only done one 5K and haven't run much since this past october when Ipulled a calf muscle and lost all motivation to exercise. Dave
  • This is cool, I will need to get some new songs.
  • I am not sure why they have these times. I work at Chrysler and they run everything on 6 minutes, tenth of an hour. Break is 9 minutes long and lunch is 22 minutes. Been this way ever since I started.
  • I work M-F 11:42 until 7:42. Haven't posted much on this thread but have been reading everything. It looks like I am the opposite of everyone else. When the weekend comes I cut my sleep short on Friday and go to bed with my wife at night, then get up and spend Sat/Sun with the kids at sports and such sleeping Saturday…
  • Yes it is doable. I was like you and kept putting it off. Then one day I just said to myslef that I was going to do this. I started running and kept on going. You could always stop when it gets to hard and try it again later. I am now trying to do week 7, I have done one run on the treadmill but did not finish the second…
  • Hi everyone, just found this thread when I got home this morning. I have been on the the third shift at Chrysler now for almost 6 years and from the little bit that I read, am one of the few who like this shift. I have been on my new lifestyle since Jan. and have lost 38 pounds. I did put 5 back on when the kids were out…
  • I am going to try this just by starting to ride to work again. I have not done that ride since June and it is only 8km. Maybe tonite.
  • I saw those pouches at the Nike store yesterday. The salesman was trying to tell me that you could only use them in their shoes. Next time I'm out, I might pick one up and start tracking my runs.
  • Welcome cnance. I have done the shred with my wife, just get some heavier handweights for yourself. I was down to 175 at the start of the summer, but with summer and camping I have gained back 5 of that. I need to get back on track and get down to about 150 by the time I go to Florida in March. Great job to everyone who is…
  • I don't have the sensor but am thinking of getting one and had a few questions. I can't wear Nike shoes because they are not wide enough and I found that New Balance are the best for me. Could I buy the sensor and somehow tie it to my shoe, or does it sync up with the shoe somehow? Also can you use this to track walks also…
  • Wow, get well soon Casper. Can't wait until your back, You are one of the pillars here like others have said.
  • My wife is also on here and we have both lost around 36 pounds. We do weigh in together and our dinners are the same. Everything else is different. I find it easier having her going on this journey together.
  • Happy Birthday Casper. Enjoy your night with the family.
  • Well, I am a day late for the challenge and I did not make my goal. I actually gained a pound this week. This does not really surprise me since I was camping on the weekend and yesterday was my anniversary, so I haven't been eating the best. Actually I was eating okay, just too many brews around the fire along with some…
  • Check in Time. After a week of not eating very well but getting my exercise in, I was surprised to see that I have only gained a 1/2 pound. I came in at 175.5 this week. I am hoping to lose another 2 this week but I haed out camping on Wednesday and get back on Sunday, so it will be tough. I will post my final results on…
  • Morning everyone. My challenge is going very good so far. This morning I weighed in at 175, 5 pounds away from goal. I have started C25K and start W4D1 on Monday, along with biking to work 3 or 4 days a week. That is it for my exercise, still hoping to hit 170 by the 4th. Other good news, I finally hit overweight on the…
  • Thanks everyone. I was just going from the info of a sales clerk at one of the sporting goods stores at the mall. I will have to looki into this some more.
    in Nike + Comment by daved71 June 2010
  • Morning guys. I lost another pound on the July 4 challenge. I am now down to 177. Looks like I won't hit my 170 goal but I should be able to get within a couple of pounds of it. Welcome to the newcomers and keep up the good work everyone.
  • Congrats. I can't wait until I can say the same thing, hopefully next week. Keep going.
  • Looks like I did something right this week. The scale finally started moving again. May 22 - 181.5 SW May 30 - 180.8 June 4 - 178. 6 July 4 - 170 GW I am going to see if I can keep this up and get down to the 170 range by the 4th. I use the Wii FitPlus to track my weight and I cannot wait for it go from obese to…
  • Morning guys, just did my weigh in and have not lost as much as hoped again. I had a real good week where i biked to work 4 out of the 5 days but I had a bad eating week. I started the challenge at 182 and today was 180.8. I haven't set a goal that I wanted to get to but I know that I want to get out of the obese range and…
  • I did do measurements after I posted this morning. I have lost inches everywhere, the most being the waist where I lost 2 inches.
  • I'm in but I will be weighing in on Saturdays. I am 39 and 5'4. I started MFP in January at 210, my goal then was to lose 50 pounds. As of this morning I am at 181.4 and seem to have hit a plateau, I have been at this weight for 3 weeks now. I don't get any weight training in because I don't have a gym membership, but I do…
  • Just checking in on the new one.
  • I'm still hanging around and reading lots, don't post much but I'll give us another bump
  • I work the third shift also and found that I eat a lot of fuit while working. I will measure out whatever I take and eat betweem jobs. The snack packs also work out for me. For the days that I want to eat, I munch on sunflower seeds and that helps with other cravings because they take so long to get to the seed.
  • I work a steady midnight shift and have been logging my food from midnight to midnight. It seems to be working for me as I have lost 20 pounds since the start of the year. I do agree that my diary looks funny but most days I am under my goal.
  • Thanks everyone. That is what I was going to do. I guess I was hoping some replies would come back with splitting the difference.