I'm one of her guildies! GOOOOO ZOREIA! YOU CAN DO IT!!! <3<3<3
Haha! Me too! Lvl 85 troll resto/bear druid, lvl 85 troll mage, lvl 81 undead rogue, lvl 71 undead death knight, a lvl 56 blood elf pally (prot ftw!!), a lvl 50 blood elf warlock that I wish I'd leveled as an orc! Lol I know a lot of alts! But I adore all of them!
Rofl that t.v. show is such a crock! Mythbusters busted one of the ways to die... I just can't remember which. I played the first gears and liked it a lot... but a bunch of other games came ouut that interested me a tiny bit more. I haven't quite gotten past the storyline yet. =) I'm taking my sweet time at it.
Oh my goodness, all I have to say is the storyline for this game just keeps getting better and better! It'll make you a very happy gamer if you play them all! :D
Okay, I know this is going to sound far fetched, but I apprenticed to become a tattoo artist for a while until I realized how much the profession didn't fit my lifestyle. So I've got some insight to share... My two (or three) cents are this: This tattoo will be on your body for the rest of your life. You will grow old and…
hahahah! Orcs, tauren, and blood elves! Oh my!!!! Have you played any of Cataclysm? I'm so stuck on it, I love how difficult things are! Blizz listened to the hard core players for once!
I played from Vanilla WoW till now. It's been a long road. Rift? I've never heard of it before...
Lol wish it was the same way in real life. T_T hahahaha
TBH I haven't really been watching TOO much of what I've been eating. I eat between 200 and 250 calories for breakfast and lunch which leaves me room for pigging out at dinner! So far it's worked just fine, having lost 6 lbs so far... I think the exercise I've been getting every week helps to allow for junkfood too which…
I love the way you think! Justifying something that tasty is always good in my books!
Lol me too! Every birthday cake is carrot cake or else it's not a proper birthday!
In moderation! Hahahaha! <3
It's about carrot cake! silly picky people <3 And thank you for the welcome!
House. Nuff said <3
I've been hearing nothing but good things about Red Dead Redemption... I'm very curious about buying that one! Who else play's World of Warcraft? I'm a die hard Hordie <3
Lol I'd post more if I wasn't on my phone!
Yes! So many other gamers!! I'm with my people! *laughs*