

  • Awesome, thank you for your input! :)
  • I actually did look into it a while back and I was going to try it out tomorrow! It seems like a lot of people have had success with it so I'm praying that it'll help me get over my fear of cardio :)
  • Honestly I think it totally depends on the people involved and the nature of the relationship. I've been with my boyfriend for years now and I'm inspired now more than ever to exercise and work out thanks to him. He's an athlete and has to stay fit so I've just joined him in some of his workouts, and by doing his he has…
  • Thanks for the interval training tip! I have horrible endurance, I can't run on the treadmill for more than 5 minutes to save my life so I really have to work on that...and I hear interval training also helps with that too, not only fat burning...I think. I hope. & thank you so much!! Congratulations to you on graduating…
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