JBerg04 Member


  • Wow. There are a lot of comments and feedback here - more than I expected. I'll address a few of them. Also, thank you for the support! As far as the distance from work - This is a newer job for me and the wife and I plan to purchase a house in a better location but it's a year or so away yet. That being said, I don't want…
    in Lost Comment by JBerg04 May 2017
  • My wife is not someone I can go to the gym with. I am content to spend an hour to an hour and a half lifting weights if I go. She wants to get in and get out and wants to leave after half an hour. I can't do what I want to do in half an hour. So I am forced to cut my workout short, even if we're not doing the same things.…
    in Lost Comment by JBerg04 May 2017
  • We currently rent a townhouse and there is no basement, due to space constraints a home gym isn't an option. I've tried to get my wife to work out with me before but she doesn't have any desire to do so and if she does go with me (which we've tried before) she doesn't have the same drive for lifting and putting in that…
    in Lost Comment by JBerg04 May 2017
  • Okay, so starting tomorrow I'm going to dive in headfirst with tracking food and establishing my after work gym routine. Hold me accountable, I'll try! Any recommendations as far as quantity of calories to be shooting for? What about how many times a day I should be eating? Thanks for all the posts, the amount of responses…