serenityjohnson22 Member


  • Diastasis recti? I am on a Facebook group fcakled Diastasis Recti support group. They have recommended Carrie fit ($10) or mutu system. I have a four finger gap and I just started insanity beach body three days aho, of course I will have to modify some work outs so that I won't make my abs worse than it is already is.
  • I breast fed for two years, I weaned my two year old two days after his second birthday. I did lose the 10-15lbs two-three weeks after weaning, I however regained the weight as I was 22 weeks pregnant at the time. I am now 7 weeks post partum and lose 26lbs of my pregnancy weight and additional 7lbs. I am ebf as well as…
  • I love oatmeal with peanut butter first thing in in the morning and for a quick snack for a sugar crave, a spoonful of peanut butter. Nursing makes me crave sugar like crazy.
  • Thanks I needed to read this. I delivered two children by c section; two years old and three weeks old. I have held on the last 10-15lbs when nursing my oldest and lose the weight once I weaned him two days after his birthday. I am hoping this time around breastfeeding can help me lose the weight as I have gained weight…
  • I am 11 weeks pp nursing full time. Pre pregnancy weight 180. Gained 240. Current weight 202 goal weight 170