

  • This is a great place to help you stay motivated. 2 years ago I started at 203 and got down to 172. After my daughter was born I let my weight slip and I've been working on getting it back down. Good luck with you life style change!
  • I'm having the same problem. During the week I have a structured schedule so staying under my limit isn't a problem. During the weekend I enter grazing mode and can't seem to stay full. I'm trying to find food that tends to stay with you longer and low cal snack to help curb my hunger. I'll post what I find in the next day…
  • Good luck! If there is anything i can help with let me know.
  • I use to be the same way then I got a job where I didnt get to eat lunch till real late. Start off small and gradually make a bigger breakfast. After a while you will not be able to start a day without it! Also to get you 1200 a day, try and add a small snack here and there and you should have no problem.
  • Keep small goals that are not too far out of reach. If you have mini goals you are mch more likely to stay with the program!
  • Welcome. I have found that if I'm feeling hungry and I know I'm not ,I drink a glass of water and find something around my house to take my mind off my hunger