

  • I agree with horsiegall. There are several options as far as logging it. If you do not have a heart rate monitor it is better to under estimate the cals burned.
  • My name is Scott and, as many of you know, I am Brandi's (loseit4ever) husband. I am 38 and have 3 wonderfull kids. 2 boys age 6 and 4(almost 5) and our girl...1( 2 in Jan) I started this journey in January this year. I was getting to the point that I was concerned I wasn't going to be here for my wife and kids, when they…
  • Tried to get the pic but couldn't. 35+ down!!! Thats great!!! Congrats on the success and keep up the great work!!
  • Get one, as soon as possible. If you can, get on cosco now and get the Body Media. LOVE IT!!! My wife and I both have one. It tells you what you Actually burn. It is $150 and gets a 1 year free subscription to the website!!! It has made a HUGE difference for my wife and I.
  • So very proud of you honey!!! I am enjoying the new lifestyle and drive that you and I are putting forth. That could not have been said better.