

  • sometimes a few spoonfuls of peanut butter helps. it takes forever to eat if you enjoy the peanut butter! it's weird yes, but the fat in it is good for you and fills you up!
  • It's so true, your face will definitely show a change after just a few pounds even! People notice your face the most and it's always so nice to look in the mirror and see a change!
  • Hi ryan! i just joined Monday, so i'm new too. My inspiration? this site! It's so awesome, it's got anything and everything you need. The message boards are so inspiring too! Good luck and remember to have fun!
    in HOWDY Comment by teenuhbees January 2010
  • I did it with my roommates once, and it wasn't as formal, but the first week we did something really inspiring. I had come up with some hard to answer questions, such as "Why do you want to lose weight?" "Who inspires you?" "What do you hope will come from this?", some of the answers were really inspiring. My roommate…
  • You're not fooling yourself or anyone so no need to kid yourself when you try to feel inspired and don't. Sometimes people get inspired by that, others by someone close to them, or sometimes just seeing a picture of yourself. Hell, sometimes you don't need to be inspired, you need a good kick in the a** to stop eating…
  • Lately, I've been buying granny smith apples. Like the REALLY big ones...they seriously fill you up for awhile, I barely can finish one sometimes. It sounds really boring or unsatisfying, but some are so tart that it tastes like candy!
  • Thanks! I love this site!!!
  • It was awesome! SO inspiring too. I think my new favorite is Daris and Cheryl, they were so freaking cute and motivational. Can't wait for next week!
  • Oh for sure! It's even harder when they keep offering to bring it over. It always turns out bad too, you eat it, you drink some with them, then you feel bad and then feel even worse because you don't know how to tell them to stop! My roommate has a lot of junk food and it gets so hard to stay away from her stuff! Just keep…
  • I'm with the one who said "Go ahead and count it, the whole 8 glasses thing is myth anyway. Drinking lots of fluids isn't bad for you unless you really over do it though." It's true, you drink until you fill hydrated - overdoing it can cause bloating and not enough, well you will know when you are thirsty. The eight glass…