At what weight?

nsgrimm Posts: 32
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Can you actually see a difference? I have lost 13 lbs and I can't see a difference nor can any one else. =O( I am 5'2 and 160 lbs now but was 173. It's very discouraging.



  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Well hello Body Twin!!

    At 20 pounds I started to recieve compliments!
  • NurseMisty
    NurseMisty Posts: 312 Member
    My first comment didn't come until I hit the twenty pound mark. THen I lost an additional five and everyone started commenting. It's funny because when I started to gain it back...everyone noticed that RIGHT AWAY! LOL! But we all carry it differently, so you may have lost it in your chest or something and that's not as noticeable to others. Measurements of your inches is a big time motivation. Take pictures too!! 13 pounds is almost three bags of's more than the average's almost two gallons of water!! (just for reference:smile: )

    WAY TO GO!!

    And for the record, I'm 5'2" also.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I think it really depends on your body and how the weight comes off...everyone's different. I have pictures up on my profile with weights listed at the bottoms, and I can see a difference in my face when I went from 226 to 212, and I got several compliments online about it - that was only a 14 lb. drop, but I started receiving compliments in "real life" when I hit about 20 lbs.

    Don't stress too much about it, and just realize that even if you can't see the results at this particular moment, you are making yourself healthier, and if you keep going you'll see it eventually.
  • lsjd2000
    lsjd2000 Posts: 287 Member
    have you measured yourself - i take measurement each month and noticed a bigger difference there then in my weight - plus if pp see you everyday they may not notice as quickly as someone who sees you sparadicly (sp?).
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    168.5 nyc019-3.jpg

    148.5 jeannie005.jpg

    I am now about 132-134!

    You can do this!

    Are you buying new clothes? If not then your baggy old ones may be hiding the new you. I went to a consignment shop and bought a few every 10 pounds or I am ready to go shopping again. Yippee!!
  • nsgrimm
    nsgrimm Posts: 32
    Awww you all are awesome! I love the sugar comparison....hahaha

    If I could figure out how to post pics I could post my before and now but they were taken at two different angles so I know that effects the picture too (self timer on one and hubby took one)
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    I think it really depends on your body and how the weight comes off...everyone's different.

    I agree! It seemed like the first 20 lbs I lost all came from my face. People noticed very quickly. Changes in your face get noticed a lot faster than changes to your waist line.
  • I think it really depends on your body and how the weight comes off...everyone's different.

    I agree! It seemed like the first 20 lbs I lost all came from my face. People noticed very quickly. Changes in your face get noticed a lot faster than changes to your waist line.

    It's so true, your face will definitely show a change after just a few pounds even! People notice your face the most and it's always so nice to look in the mirror and see a change!
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Awww you all are awesome! I love the sugar comparison....hahaha

    I have a friend that compaired it to butter. If you've lost 13 lbs, you've lost 52 sticks of butter!!! I've lost 215!!
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    I think it really depends on your body and how the weight comes off...everyone's different.

    I agree! It seemed like the first 20 lbs I lost all came from my face. People noticed very quickly. Changes in your face get noticed a lot faster than changes to your waist line.

    It's so true, your face will definitely show a change after just a few pounds even! People notice your face the most and it's always so nice to look in the mirror and see a change!

    Well, not everyone loses weight in their face very quickly. I have a friend that is fighting to lose her last 10 lbs and she swears it is all in her face. She's lost like 30 lbs and if you look just at her face it isn't all that noticable.

    She's frustrated because she wants to lose weight in her face. I'm frustrated because I would rather it come of my waist line. Women!!! We're just never happy!!! :laugh:
  • itsmenatalie
    itsmenatalie Posts: 190 Member
    People started to comment on my loss between 15 and 20 lbs which was about 13% of my body weight.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    People comment at about 5 pounds for me. BUT..,,,.it's people that I don't see on a regular basis. If someone sees you everyday they're really not going to notice all the awesome changes that are happening to you! Keep up the work!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    It is hard for yourself, and others who see you often, to see any diference as the process is slow and they wont notice half a pund each time they see you. Try bumping into someone that saw you at your heaviest and now, they may be able to see the diference.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I think around 20 pounds. But I could feel a difference in how my clothes fit, but everyone losses differently so maybe you've lost in an area that isn't as affected.

    I highly reccomend taking pictures every 10 pounds. I haven't been able to take pictures in a while because I am struggling to reach that 50 pound mark. But when I took my 40 pound pictures I didn't think there would be much of a difference from 30 pounds, but boy was there ever. It really shows in pics. I suggest wearing the same thing for every picture (I take both tank top and underwear pics, and full clothes pics so I can actually show people). People who see you everyday likely won't always notice a gradual change, but I guarantee if you take pictures you will be amazed at your progress along the way.
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    For me it is always, well twice now, different. When I lost 13 lbs the first time I lost weight, I don't think anyone noticed, but now that I have gained just about all of it back, my husband told me this morning that he can see the 3 lbs lost in my face! Heck, I don't care about losing weight in my face, I want this belly fat gone!

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  • omid990
    omid990 Posts: 785 Member
    People comment at about 5 pounds for me. BUT..,,,.it's people that I don't see on a regular basis. If someone sees you everyday they're really not going to notice all the awesome changes that are happening to you! Keep up the work!

    it was after 5 pounds for me too. but then again, i don't have very much weight to lose so a couple pounds for me is going to be more noticeable than a couple pounds in someone who has father to go.
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    Mine was at about 25, but when I dropped the last 10, it was dramatic! All kinds of people remarked - a lot depends on what you dress in too. Have patience and keep up the good work!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    For me one person noticed at about 20# & I was shocked she noticed since I had so much to lose. Then people started noticing a lot more at about 30. And now I get lots of "OMG, you've lost a ton of weight!"
    Then there are people who still haven't noticed or said anything. Maybe they won't say anything ever, and that's fine! I think a lot of people are afraid they'll embarass you by mentioning it. By the way, don't expect men to comment (but trust me when I say, you'll notice they're noticing :laugh: :blushing: ).
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    We are the same height, at 20 lbs you are going to be going WOW!!! that seemed to be the magic number for me too.
    You are doing awesome!!
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    For me, many people commented at around 20. It took a more drastic change for some, like 30-40 pounds. I think sometimes people don't want to say anything unless it is 100% obvious that something about you has changed. Keep at it, and the compliments will come! :flowerforyou: Just wait until the "you look like you're going to blow away" or "you don't need to lose anymore" comments start coming though :laugh:
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