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  • - Distract yourself. When the stress is getting to you and that voice starts telling you to eat something, get another thought in your head. Go for a walk. Watch a movie. Play a game. Do something other than thinking about your stress and your eating for a few minutes until the moment passes. - Go healthy. If you feel the…
  • There are many great protein supplement products out there. I find that if you mix it with water, it tends to be filling while not giving you that "bloated" feeling. You could try one right after your workout, when your body is craving protein to rebuild the muscles you just finished breaking down during your workout.…
  • Top three things that ruin my workout - 1) Forgetting my headphones. Being forced to listen to the music piped over the gym PA usually doesn't make me want to run, it tends to make me want to run away. 2) Slick equipment. Is it really that hard for people to wipe down a piece of equipment after they finish using it? They…