post workout crash!

So positives and negatives from todays workout. 40 mins with PT which included (sorry don't know correct terms) a machine where I was lying down pushing weights with my legs - 80kg of weights added on each side, and he told me the plate they were put on was 53kg!!!! Bear in mind I am just under 60kgs that was stunning - and VERY hard. So after this I did 10 mins on treadmill and 12 mins on eliptical (intervals sprints). Shortly after had total crash - felt like I was going to puke, shaking and really cold.
I have had similar in past, though not as bad, and this has caused me to have total panic attacks. Thanks to info I've read on here, I recognised and so didn't panic, and worked through it. Have already learned from this - NEVER forget to take a drink to the gym again as I think I got pretty dehydrated. I also struggle with protein as I am picky vegetarian who doesn't like nuts. I made a smoothie with soya milk, a banana and a spoon of honey.
Any tips for other good things to eat before and after workout to stop this happening again very welcome. Feel a lot better now, but tired. I used to give up way too easily, now maybe sometimes I push it too far - not very good at the balance...


  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    Protein shakes may be a good idea. I think there are some vegan ones out there if you are not the type to use whey. And maybe split up the "dose" half before and the rest afterwards. And can you tolerate nut butters hidden in a smoothie, or maybe coconut oil? If you made it all a smoothie with protein powder, fruit, milk or water plus some coconut oil or nut butter, you would have a good mix of macros in there.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member

    Oh, not that.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Knowing nothing about your diet, I'd first look for/ask about signs of dehydration, illness or if you've been low carbing or fasting.
  • Brummig
    Brummig Posts: 94
    Thanks guys. Love the pic Ironsmasher! Fortunately that kind of crash!

    I am a picky vege. I have lost over 5 stones following slimming world, most of it over 2 years ago, which I kept off easily, but I have lost another 12 lbs recently following the plan, and I am struggling a little to stay in target - I planned to get to 9stone 1lb, but seem to have settled at 8 st 12 (I am 5ft tall, and 42). I am not obsessive about 'syns' and do have some treats. I do struggle with the idea of protein shakes because I associate them with building bulk, and so weight gain. I eat loads of fruit and veg, use soya milk and have cheese, lots of pasta, cous cous and beans. The PT advised me to up my protein which I am trying to do (more eggs, lentils) as he is getting me doing a lot of strength training (I injured my shoulder last year so trying to build that up, and generally tone, as lots of saggy bits after losing 5 stone).
    I think I am still nervous about gaining weight, but need to get my head out of 'slimming mode', and look at giving my body the things it needs to do what I am asking.
    Definately think there was a dehydration issue too as I didn't drink at all during the workout.
  • Brummig
    Brummig Posts: 94
    just bumping this for any other suggestions
  • jaygreen55
    jaygreen55 Posts: 315 Member
    Sounds like you could be experiencing a low blood sugar reaction. Your intense workout is depleting your glycogen stores and you are hitting the proverbial wall or bonking. While protein is helpful in building and repairing muscles muscle contraction is fueled by glucose. Especially anaerobic exercise. Try eating some carbs before you work out or drink a sports drink while you are exercising. It should help
  • 6onald
    6onald Posts: 3 Member
    I do struggle with the idea of protein shakes because I associate them with building bulk, and so weight gain.

    There are many great protein supplement products out there. I find that if you mix it with water, it tends to be filling while not giving you that "bloated" feeling. You could try one right after your workout, when your body is craving protein to rebuild the muscles you just finished breaking down during your workout.
    Definately think there was a dehydration issue too as I didn't drink at all during the workout.

    This. If you're working out hard, you could lose a pound or two of water just through sweat. Water will not only help cool your body, but your organs (including your brain) function much better (digestion, alertness) when fully hydrated.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Sounds like you could be experiencing a low blood sugar reaction. Your intense workout is depleting your glycogen stores and you are hitting the proverbial wall or bonking. While protein is helpful in building and repairing muscles muscle contraction is fueled by glucose. Especially anaerobic exercise. Try eating some carbs before you work out or drink a sports drink while you are exercising. It should help

    Second this.
    Sip on a sports drink before your workout and also between sets, partly for the hydration but also for the sugars and electrolytes.
  • allshebe
    allshebe Posts: 423 Member
    If you don't like nuts, seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, etc) might be an option for adding protein and fat. You could make your own "nutrition bars"/cookies by adding some carbs (flour, mostly, possibly some oats, maybe a small bit of honey to stick it all together). I'd work out the composition so they're roughly about 50% carb, 25% protein and 25% fat and maybe 150 calories per serving (so "good" snack size). Not sure if better to eat before or after work-out, though.
  • Brummig
    Brummig Posts: 94
    Thanks for the advice guys. After a long time of 'diet' I still think of sports drinks as something to avoid, but I'll give it a try.

    I'm not very good at giving myself credit and tend to think my workout must still be a bit girly, but describing this workout to someone else at work they didn't think so. Perhaps I need to get a bit more serious.