

  • So is mine! Just got reduced to that from 1600 recently. I have the opposite problem of always exceeding 1600 cals, thank goodness for exercise and esp after taking up running.
  • Basically what she said, except I would suggest adding a small portion of very lean protein but little or no carbs (I guess you could consider chocolate your carb du jour???) . I think a balanced meal is best, to get in all your nutrition requirements. I have done the same thing from time to time, my downfall is chips. I…
  • This is great, I've never done any kind of zumba but would love to try it out since I used to do ballroom and latin dancing. We just bought Wii Zumba yesterday, can't wait to try it out....but will probably have to wait until the weekend, as our daughter keeps us busy and tired throughout the week! I'm glad someone posted…