

  • I don't weight my food. I am not sure how to change the % of protein, etc. I will check into that. Thank you!
  • 5"3 is my height. I just go by the calories MFP gives me. I usually walk 2-4 miles each day and then elliptical for 30 minutes so this gives me an extra average of 600 calories a day. I was told I was not eating enough, and that was part of the problem, so I started eating more, but I struggle to get all of my calories met.
  • I usually don't enter my fresh veggies. I eat them for lunch and dinner everyday. I figured they amount to little of nothing for calories so didn't enter them. I will start putting them in. I love sodium and sweets. I have tried salt substitutes but they are awful. I salt everything, so trying to keep track of what amounts…