dani2bkickin Member


  • I'm up for it! I just started up my Insanity workout today too!
  • We have some Kick A** ladies on here! Some real super moms balancing everything that we do!
  • Doing Kegal exercises will help a lot! That's what I've noticed. Google it and it will show you didnt ones you can do. But I've also been told that its one of the benefits of being a mom and giving birth vaginally, basically screwed. :smile: One thing I noticed the more water I drink, the less bloated I feel, it help flush…
  • And I think thats what we are TRYING to figure out. How to Balance that all. This is all new stuff within the past few weeks. I'm up at 4am, so working out before work....I'd need to go to bed at 7pm. ha. Trying to fit it in after work, but not too late.
  • I'm going to be trying my Insanity DVD's again. In the few weeks that I did them before, REALLY saw improvement and results! Just fell of the wagon.
  • As I'm reading everyones Introduction, I gotta say everyone on here is amazing! Everyone has different tasks and challenges a day, but taking the time out for ourselves, to make ourselves healthy is making a better us, a better mom and a better future for our families!
  • Freebies are good here and there. And if you dont have them and 'treat' yourself to them every so often, you will have a better chance of binging. But yea, dont eat enough freebies to make yourself sick. lol
  • Thank you ladies for joining and sharing your journey with everyone!! Hopefully we can share and make this as fun as possible! Get excited to workout! Have a fun support group, even though most of us are not in the same state or country! And happy birthday to kthrock's daughter!
  • I think our laundry multiplies on its own now too! :-)
  • Finding a workout buddy twin would be fun! age- 31 Height 5'4" Start and current weight 200 goal weight 150 Dani
  • Hi! I'm 31, married, have a beautiful 7 month old girl and today is the first day back to the gym in WAY too long!! I want to be able to keep up with my daughter and future kids too come. I sit all day dispatching and am exciting to get back in a healthy routine again!