miztrezzlyn Member


  • Just thought I would update again. I don't really have a question, just keeping up with the stats in my thread. I guess I would just wonder if you think things look alright over the past few weeks. It is what should be expected? 6-6 132.3 2365 cals 6-7 132.2 2453 cals 6-8 131.7 2388 cals 6-9 131.4 2336 cals 6-10 131.8 2383…
  • Hmm that is interesting, your suggestion. I don't know if you're familiar with All Pro's or not, but it works on a 5 week cycle. It has you lifting your 10 rep max for 2x8, 9, 10, 11, and then 12 reps. Then you increase the weights by 10% if you were able to successfully lift the 2 x12 and start the cycle over again with…
  • 5-29 130.6 pounds 2345 cals 5-30 130.2 pounds 2438 cals 5-31 130.3 pounds 2331 cals 6-1 130.6 pounds 2414 cals 6-2 131.9 pounds 2367 cals (holy jump!) 6-3 132.5 pounds 2376 cals 6-4 132.7 pounds 2217 cals (its got me scared now :p) 6-5 132.8 pounds 2327 cals 6-6 132.3 pounds will be about 2350 cals today Such big jumps, it…
  • Here is where I'm at currently. 5-18 130.3 2233 cals 5-19 129.9 2097 cals 5-20 129.6 2110 cals 5-21 130.2 2096 cals 5-22 130.5 2143 cals 5-23 129.6 2113 cals Weight seems to me like it was fairly stable (minus sodium or workout soreness) eating at maintenance. So I'm doing the scary thing and adding 250 cals a day to see…
  • You're not eating enough.
  • Ok, thank you :) This morning's weight = 129.9 How do I know when that valid "before" weigh in was? I look back and I just see these ups and downs ranging from 128.6 (low) to 130.7 (high). I don't know for sure which is valid. If I don't know what was valid, how do I proceed from there? Also, the days before I raised my…
  • Just putting my recent data here, I seem to be steady, if not slightly decreasing weight, the last week, although altogether I AM still up 2 pounds. My lowest weight in the last month was 128.6, I believe. And to answer your earlier question, my scale goes in 0.1 increments and if I were to stand on it and get off and…
  • Yeah there are no good valid weigh ins it seems. I'm going to have to try and get my sodium spikes under control, that is one of my bigger problems. I'll go this two weeks at maintenance and see what happens and try to get things more normalized. I had just started a new routine (going to the gym for lifting weights vs…
  • Just putting some results in here to keep track. I am now at what should be maintenance calories, its been a couple of days at that. I'm going to keep at this supposed calorie target until the end of the month. I'm worried though that I'm gaining. The jumps in weight seem too quick for that? But, the trend has still been…
  • Ok :) My inches are not going up. In the last month, I have gone down in spots by 1/2 an inch or so. Of course, I'm nervous that that is just mismeasuring lol but at least not going the other way (up). I'll change the spreadsheet to 45 minutes instead of 30 minutes per workout. So 135 minutes per week instead of 90. I'll…
  • As I guess should be expected, my weight has gone back up. I started a new lifting routine though and was really sore so I know that can contribute. The next couple of days will be high sodium too due to making some yummy enchiladas today and tomorrow. Trying not to let myself get discouraged, but it's hard to see the…
  • I didn't even think about that. That the same could be true in reverse for water in the body. Duh, I don't know why though, that is what competition people will do yes? Or people trying to make a weight class in boxing, etc? Anyway, my weight was 128.8 this morning. None of these 128 days was after any large cardio and I…
  • It is DEFINITELY harder at the end. When we decided to start losing weight and get more fit, I just took a deficit and I lost weight. Every week pretty much was a loss, not always 2 pounds but a loss. I'll watch to see which weigh in's are good ones. Is it possible to have a "false" low weigh in? I can't imagine so. This…
  • I have a flipbelt and have used it for a year. I haven't found that it rides up at all, it stays firmly where I want it to. I have to carry tissues and my phone with me and I find I can dig out my tissue pack and replace it fairly easily even while running. It's not the most graceful thing to do but I do it a few times…
  • So, it's still too early for me to get all excited but even though my calories have been going up and my activity has really decreased a bit(due to crappy weather) my weight has been slowly climbing down. Previously my lowest weight was 129.0, but I've been hovering at 130 and even 131 for a couple of weeks and the last…
  • Okay then :) 2-3 pounds is manageable. I'll give this a try and see where it takes me. I really only have this loose fat around my abdomen that is giving me trouble, that's my only reason for wanting to drop more weight. I am really happy with my shoulders, arms, back. I can see some ab definition, not a 6 pack or a 4 pack…
  • Yes, I used the Fitbit database to get better estimates. I didn't use MFP because I don't log anything on MFP at all. Yes, it does end up being very close to the TDEE spreadsheet. You think I DO need to do a diet break? and increase my calories? Go from current 1750 a day, 100 calories at a time, up to 2050? How much would…
  • Another thing, when I first started I was eating at 1200 calories a day and NOT eating exercise calories for about 2 or 3 months. Then I started to lift weights and started going by what my Fitbit told me to eat and that was what I was doing the entire time since then. Problem is, I was overriding calories for weight…
  • Ok I went back and used the Fitbit suggested calorie burns for the weight lifting and yoga for the past week (which were less than what I had overridden it with). 2100 2033 2232 2136 2049 2077 1874 Average exercise included TDEE: 2,072 Katch BMR: 1,343 BMR multiplier: 1.54 _______________________________________ What do…
  • One other thing, not sure if it is helpful but on a day where there is absolutely NO exercise it says that my daily calories burned was 1497 and that I could only eat 1247 that day with a 250 deficit. I had to go back a month to find a day like that lol As I said above, my avg steps over a weekly period is 17-18k steps…
  • The BMRs listed there: Katch - 1343 Mifflin - 1224 I don't use MFP to track at all, I use MyNetDiary and just watch how it compares to what Fitbit tells me I end up with. I used to adjust MyNetDiary to more closely match what Fitbit says. The past 2 weeks, however, I've been following your spreadsheet. It doesn't matter as…
  • Yeah that does make sense. I may try that as it has definitely been over 7 weeks, it's been 13 months :) Its a little scary since I don't want to put fat weight on but it would be nice to have the break. Who knows, maybe (hopefully!), I'll still have progress via my weight training and jogging. I just don't want to add to…
  • I would like to add something, though! Last month around our anniversary I tried on some size 5's (was in a 7 at the time) and they fit but were a bit snug. Last week, I went back to the same store and tried on the same jeans and they fit great. So...something is happening. My waist measurement didn't really go down but I…
  • The problem with lowering the cardio is that I really ENJOY my walks...a lot. Its about the only "me" time I get that is quiet and relaxing :) The jogging is a personal fitness goal of mine, I was at 35 minutes of straight jogging last year and so far this year I am back up to 20 minutes of straight jogging. I really enjoy…
  • That's what I am afraid of :( This is supposed to be at a 15% deficit. 1343 bmr 2072 tdee 1768 tdeg 304 avg daily deficit calories (14.7% deficit) If it IS maintenance, then that means I'd have to lower my calories even more to about 1450 calories per day WITH all of my exercise and that just seems wrong and would put me…
  • Yeah I have considered it. I don't necessarily care about the number on the scale but I DO mind the bit of tummy flab I still have at the top of where my jeans sit. According to my scale (which I'm sure is inaccurate) I'm at 23% bf. The measurement calculators range from 16 to 20% (which has to be completely wrong). I…
  • Yeah, I do understand that, but I'm not trying to be in maintenance right now :)
  • Thanks for the advice :) I'll just eat as normal and forget about it. I get caught up in the numbers sometimes and overall I have lost quite a bit of weight (75 pounds to date) so I'm in a good place :) I think its just these last 5-10 pounds are driving me batty! My body apparently LOVES me at 130 pounds :p As for my…
  • I hate to bump this up, but I'd really like to see if anyone has any suggestions or advice for me. I was 129.0 on April 18, my previous low was 129.1 on March 30th. Then the next few days went like this: 4/18 - 129.0 4/19 - 129.7 4/20 - 130.4 4/21 - 130.0 4/22 - 131.0 4/23 - 129.9 4/23 - 130.2 Maddening!
  • I'm shocked that most of you wouldn't reduce your calories in some way. That could be something like 600-700 extra calories. That's really the advice? To just ignore it? lol it is tempting because I rather like just having a set number of calories to eat every day and don't have to do any extra figuring. It just seems that…