

  • I'm 33 and although I love playing sport like soccer and volleybally, I have always been a "run? NO WAY!" kind of person. I never understood how someone could get pleasure from it - it (was) my idea of hell. Recently, I went for a walk. It was a beautiful crisp day and I had new running shoes that were quite bouncy &…
  • "I save enough calories to cover my night snack" "My husband is not on my diet, but he notices my habits. He said I should not bring the entire box or bag out to the TV--just bring one serving and put the bag away. Each time you get up to get more, you are reminding yourself what you are adding to your body--and you are…
  • Hi there, feel your pain too. I take medication that makes me a hungry beast in the middle of the night... it is really embarassing getting busted by my partner! I have had some success with: - drinking a big glass of sparkling water immediately on waking up and thinking "HUNGRY!" (keep next to bed) - individual yoghurt…
  • There really are waaay to many dulplicate foods being added to the food database! How can we ensure that there is quality control here? I'm concerned it is really going to get out of hand - even become useless. I do, when I have time, check the nutritional value (and mark as good, or change the values). I can only assume…
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