lildee0216 Member


  • $140.00 a month is a lot of money for CrossFit. I go to a box and I spend a $100 a month. To be honest it is worth the money HOWEVER I love my box and my coaches. The coaches at my box actually care about the people and guide them and insist on working on form. Most boxes, it is a competition and people come in thinking…
  • When I was tracking my food for a few months, I was in the best shape and my body was looking good. My progress pics showed and so did the scale. I went off the deep end....stopped logging in food but I still exercised! I still ran my half marathons and I went to the gym and I gained it all back. =( I'm back to the first…
  • I keep adding people!!! =) If you get a request from pocketsizedfitlife it's me! xoxoxo
  • I just started following you! =)
  • I know losing weight can get frustrating. Are you measuring yourself? I don't lose much weight (lbs) anymore I lose inches. Maybe start measuring yourself. I'm not sure if cutting gluten out will help you lose weight but I have heard that people feel better and aren't as bloated. Are you drinking enough water on top of…
  • You're an amazing inspiration!!! LOVE IT & Happy Running!!!!
  • I see Nike+ is popular! I might need to jump on that bandwagon....JUST KIDDING! I love MapMyRun! All my running friends use it and we follow each other. It gives you mileage, current pace, average pace, and split times. There is live tracking My husband is also able to track me during my races to see where I am. =)
  • I'm 27!!! Add me! =)
  • Josalinn, Unless you are doing ridiculous amounts of weight and purposely trying to get big your calves will get huge. Proper nutrition and proper training will get you to where you need to be. You just have to be patient. Weight lifting I love doing weights. Yes, it's incredibly intimidating in the beginning. Before I hit…
  • So exciting! I'm getting requests and sending them! Yay! New fitness friends! =)
  • I think that you should be patient and continue to drink water and see what the difference is for example. Drink water for 3 weeks and then go back to your old regimen and look at the difference. I suffer from bloating because I have an extremely sensitive stomach. Make sure you look at the carbs you eat (certain carbs can…
  • I'll add you! I'm looking for new friends as well!!