Great idea! I've slowly shifted over to Google Docs also. I've been using what I call a "plan"-based approach. I have a doc for each plan. My plans include My Eating Plan, My Sleeping Plan, My School Success Plan. Each plan has the same sections that roughly correspond to the types of cards described in Beck Diet Solution…
I'm still working through The Diet Trap Solution. I still incorporate the card-style approach (reminders, advantages, traps, etc.) in BDS (and CBT in general, I guess) to all of the important pursuits I've undertaken: getting more sleep, doing well in school, improving my time management, etc.
For a long time, I've tried to do a daily review every morning right when I sit down at my desk at work. That's when I read my reminders and the rest. When I do my daily review, and read all of my cards and reminders then, it makes it much more likely I'll think of reading them and recalling them later in the day. It keeps…
Thanks everybody! Great advice. Will go home and use my kitchen scale to see exactly what 1.3oz of my powder looks like and go from there.
Hi, all! Thought I'd piggy-back here. :-) I could use some friends also. I'm working on becoming more vegan (already pretty vegan), making Pilates a part of my life (have back problems), getting 10,000 steps every day, and working on Beck Diet Solution. If you're interested in any of those things, or would just like to be…