

  • My mom did the atkins diet and she lost a lot of weight but she too couldn't stick to it. The thing about the dukan diet is once you reach your goal weight (in my case 145lbs) You add in bread and fruit again and adjust to portion control with them then after a while you have one day a week where you eat anything you want…
  • Hit TJ Maxx! It's my favourite place to shop for new work clothes, event clothes, workout clothes you name it! They change their inventory every month so it's always a new adventure, and the clothes are very classy ;p. Another thing you can do to get inspiration for your outfits is look at pinterest or tumblr for fashion.…
  • You can SO see a difference! You are seriously toning up! Good for you! Congrats!!!
  • I know what you mean! I'm 5ft 10" so being 180lbs isn't fat but I am just pushing over the line for a non-healthy BMI and I want to get down much closer to the other side, The healthy range for my height is 135 to 175 pounds so I set my goal for 145lbs. But if I try to talk to my friends or boyfriend or even parents they…