

  • Thank you I will try that-
  • Yes 1/2 inch around each leg- Would like to go from 29 to 27-28 waist- Perfect I will continue to eat as I am-and my 30 min of cardio-Let me ask this if you don't mind- what would be the best exercise for upper thighs- Ive been using the Abductor and Adductor and then running/mixed with Eliptical and some biking. Thanks…
  • When you increase lbm (what exactly does that mean) If im eating to maintain (isn't that what Im doing? I either jog or do the elliptical-but do not really want to bulk my legs up- I would prefer to lose a 1/2 inch on each one-and lose an inch around my waist- figured I had to lose weight to do that. Thank You so Much for…
  • I apologize for not knowing the terms but what is recomp? and how do I do it- It's not totally about numbers more how my clothes fit-and tighter I guess. Thanks for you help- Much Appreciated:)
  • Appreciate your response- Ive always weighed around 110- Over the past 2 years I got busy with my business and stopped going to they gym and started eating out a lot more and gained the extra pounds. Im a petite gal so 110 (isn't super skinny for me) I figured Starting back at the gym & if I could cut back the calories- I…
  • Would love some suggestions- im 5'2 began at 119 3 wks ago-stop eating anything with Gluten(realized I had an Intolerance to it) then 2 weeks ago gave up bread (with few small exceptions) I have stayed under the 1200 calorie intake to get to my goal weight of 107-I don't drink soda-now only water & coffee in the a.m.- I…
  • I started 3 weeks ago at 119 (eliminated Gluten)for a week thinking I had an intolerance to it-a week later took out breads- I have a (spinach-kale-brussel sprout-protein-spoon of greek yogurt & water) juice for breakfast- carrots & peanut butter with apple & string cheese for lunch and either chicken breast plain or plain…
  • Hi Deborah- I had that same problem and then someone mentioned i could be Gluten intolerant- So i looked up sypmtons and i had them all- just didnt know it- So figured I would give up Gluten for a couple of weeks and see if I notice a diff. and after about 5 days i did. The bloating was gone- i had more energy for sure. It…