How to lose fat



  • Appreciate your response- Ive always weighed around 110- Over the past 2 years I got busy with my business and stopped going to they gym and started eating out a lot more and gained the extra pounds. Im a petite gal so 110 (isn't super skinny for me) I figured
    Starting back at the gym & if I could cut back the calories- I could get back to the 110 then slowly just watch what I eat -(For sure wont be eating like this forever) although I like the vegie smoothie - and Im not a big lunch eater more of a every few hour snack person-and eat a good dinner. But thought if I could at least get back to that mark-it would be easy to maintain if I continued working out and eating smarter. Maybe eating out once a week or every 2..
    Not to be graphic -but would prefer for my thighs to not touch-& a flatter stomach
    Thrilled for the 3lb weight loss-wasn't prepared for the increase-( I don't usually fluctuate to much) I was at 116 for a week and a half-
    so to go up a half a lb then the next day after another half of a lb. Thanks for advise:smile:
  • I apologize for not knowing the terms but what is recomp? and how do I do it- It's not totally about numbers more how my clothes fit-and tighter I guess. Thanks for you help- Much Appreciated:)
  • is it possible to lose 10 lbs in 1 month?
  • Griffin220x
    Griffin220x Posts: 399
    I apologize for not knowing the terms but what is recomp? and how do I do it- It's not totally about numbers more how my clothes fit-and tighter I guess. Thanks for you help- Much Appreciated:)

    For a recomp you would eat at maintenance and continue your normal workout as planned. See when you increase your lbm that extra fat will slowly drop in proportion to the amount of lean body mass that you gain over time.
  • Griffin220x
    Griffin220x Posts: 399
    is it possible to lose 10 lbs in 1 month?

    Yes, that is quite possible but as you get closer to a healthy weight range that soon become harder and unrealistic.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Would love some suggestions- im 5'2 began at 119 3 wks ago-stop eating anything with Gluten(realized I had an Intolerance to it) then 2 weeks ago gave up bread (with few small exceptions) I have stayed under the 1200 calorie intake to get to my goal weight of 107-I don't drink soda-now only water & coffee in the a.m.- I excerise 3 xs a week with 30 min of cardio-mixed up with elliptical -running do some weights-sit ups)plus im a pretty active gal in between- I went down to 116 after first 2 weeks then yesterday went up to 116.5 and now today 117 :(
    I have a vetetable-water-protein shake in the a.m- carrots-apple-string cheese for lunch and usually plain chicken-hamburger patty plain for dinner (with exception of gluten free pasta once with sp. sauce.) If I snack it is on a few almonds or tangerine-
    First why am I gaining-(havnt eaten out in 3 1/2 weeks-no soda-eliminating gluten ive been super good about what I eat) and only down 3lbs) Please Help...

    The guys already addressed your weight, but I just wanted to mention that it might be worth checking out the Paleo groups and sites to get some meal ideas. They're always gluten free and usually dairy free, and whole-foods-based. For example, you can swap out your gluten-free pasta for the more nutritious spaghetti squash.
  • When you increase lbm (what exactly does that mean) If im eating to maintain (isn't that what Im doing? I either jog or do the elliptical-but do not really want to bulk my legs up- I would prefer to lose a 1/2 inch on each one-and lose an inch around my waist-
    figured I had to lose weight to do that. Thank You so Much for the info & Help. Truly so appreciated
  • Griffin220x
    Griffin220x Posts: 399
    When you increase lbm (what exactly does that mean) If im eating to maintain (isn't that what Im doing? I either jog or do the elliptical-but do not really want to bulk my legs up- I would prefer to lose a 1/2 inch on each one-and lose an inch around my waist-
    figured I had to lose weight to do that. Thank You so Much for the info & Help. Truly so appreciated

    A 1/2 inch of what? I'm confused here. Do you have a 1/2 inch of fat around your legs you want to lose because if that is the case then simply adjust calories and continue with your fat loss. If you're trying to lose weight (fat/muscle or whatever) I wouldn't advise purposely trying to get rid of you lean body mass=lbm. If that is what you wanna go for then all you have to do is simply adjust your calories and eat less or ramp up the cardio. If you would like a nice lean and strong figure, then I would suggest right eat at maintenance and this way you will build muscle and burn fat simultaneously( as long as your workout regime is in order).

    If you build your lean body mass it will give you the appearance of having less fat.
  • kfareed
    kfareed Posts: 21 Member
    post an example of consuming 180 g protein without racking up 2000 cal at least !
  • conorpatmanCHANGED
    conorpatmanCHANGED Posts: 253 Member
    Exactly!^^ Because without those two, you would lose weight and not fat. :bigsmile:
    No, you would lose weight and fat. The difference is your weight loss won't be exclusively from fat.

  • likeschocolate
    likeschocolate Posts: 368 Member
    post an example of consuming 180 g protein without racking up 2000 cal at least !

    Not common, but could be done hypothetically :laugh:
  • Yes 1/2 inch around each leg- Would like to go from 29 to 27-28 waist- Perfect I will continue to eat as I am-and my 30 min of cardio-Let me ask this if you don't mind- what would be the best exercise for upper thighs- Ive been using the Abductor and Adductor and then running/mixed with Eliptical and some biking. Thanks Again- for the Help
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    post an example of consuming 180 g protein without racking up 2000 cal at least !

    Um, that wouldn't be difficult to do. Not by a long shot.

    Quick & dirty example:

    Dunkin Donuts Egg White Turkey Sausage flatbread: 280 calories, 19g protein
    1 scoop Protein powder: 114, 24

    McDonald's Grilled Chicken Classic, no mayo: 300, 27
    McDonald's Fruit & Yogurt Parfait: 150, 4

    Pre-workout snack:
    2 scoop protein powder: 228, 48
    1 scoop maltodextrin powder: 120, 0

    Chicken breast, 8 ounces: 250, 52
    Bush's Baked Beans, 1/2 cup: 140, 6
    Broccoli, steamed: 40, 0

    Total: 1622 calories, 180g protein.
  • Griffin220x
    Griffin220x Posts: 399
    post an example of consuming 180 g protein without racking up 2000 cal at least !

    Um, that wouldn't be difficult to do. Not by a long shot.

    Quick & dirty example:

    Dunkin Donuts Egg White Turkey Sausage flatbread: 280 calories, 19g protein
    1 scoop Protein powder: 114, 24

    McDonald's Grilled Chicken Classic, no mayo: 300, 27
    McDonald's Fruit & Yogurt Parfait: 150, 4

    Pre-workout snack:
    2 scoop protein powder: 228, 48
    1 scoop maltodextrin powder: 120, 0

    Chicken breast, 8 ounces: 250, 52
    Bush's Baked Beans, 1/2 cup: 140, 6
    Broccoli, steamed: 40, 0

    Total: 1622 calories, 180g protein.

    I used to consume around that much protein but I have toned it down quite a bit. Like he said, not dificult to do^
  • Annelies11
    Annelies11 Posts: 174 Member
    Yes 1/2 inch around each leg- Would like to go from 29 to 27-28 waist- Perfect I will continue to eat as I am-and my 30 min of cardio-Let me ask this if you don't mind- what would be the best exercise for upper thighs- Ive been using the Abductor and Adductor and then running/mixed with Eliptical and some biking. Thanks Again- for the Help

    I used to use those machines thinking they would shrink my thighs... they didn't. I think they are a waste of time, and lifting weights has a much better result: squats and lunges with dumbells is what I do :)
  • Thank you I will try that-