arkohio Member


  • If you aren't hungry, then why eat? If you weren't watching your calories you would only have your hunger sensation to guide your eating. If you aren't coming under your goal every day, it's not going to have an overall bad effect. Just like if you blew way over a couple days spread out here and there. Just my opinion and…
  • Don't try to do it all in one day. Just add an extra 100 calories over your next 7 workouts. It will have the same effect.
  • Sometimes I gain weight before losing because my body packs on muscle (which weighs more than fat) before it actually sheds the fat. You could be the same way. Also, if you are working out, you should not be eating less than 1,200 calories a day. Your body will go into starvation mode at that point! I love working out…
  • Logging in every day has helped keep me motivated. But the best part is when you click the button "Complete this Entry." And it tells you "If every day were like today you'd weigh .... in 5 weeks." Puts what you do on a day to day basis in perspective! Because I know sometimes it's like "Seriously! I've nearly killed…
  • I'm not sure what your starting weight is, but most machines will automatically calculate at 155 lbs. So, in essence it's telling you a 155lb person would have shed 190 calories.
  • Does your machine take into account your weight? If so, I'd stick with machine since it can actually feel your pace in the settings or how fast you move it. If it does not take your weight into account, use the online marker since it does.