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  • So, you're not currently weight training? Then disregard my previous post. And after seeing your last post, you're lack of weight loss is most likely due to eating too much. If you're not tracking on MFP, start doing so. How can you gauge progress if you don't know how much you're eating? Also, MANY people underestimate…
  • Initially, as a young father and husband- errrr 22 years ago, it was definitely for health reasons. Now, as a much older but single guy, it's definitely shifted over to vanity. Oh, and to make the ex a little jealous. Shame on me. :wink:
  • If you are weight training, it's simple. You are increasing LBM (muscle- for all intents and purposes), while losing fat. If you've never weight trained before, this is about the only time one can gain muscle and lose fat simutaneously. Once you've become "intermediate", it's virually impossible to do both at the same…
  • For me, the gym is a mental stress reliever (although it is designed to cause physical stress), the ocean or the beach, being one with nature (hiking), bike riding along a nice woodsy path. Sorry- if you're stuck in the city then you gotta find your own "beach". And grab a Corona....
  • Seek professional medical/psychological help. Now. You have an eating disorder.
  • You didn't gain fat. It was water/glycogen and stored food in your stomach. It is impossible to gain fat on 1200cals/day. And yes, she's anorexic. I wouldn't be surprised if bulimic as well.
  • I agree, my "booty" (there ladies) is always sore after sumos....
  • Thanks for reading Neil. Congrats to to you too on your accomplishments. Feels good, eh?
  • Ketosis is not necessary in the least for fat loss. And it just sucks eating very little to no carbs. I used a variant of a ketogenic diet for awhile, and although the results were good, I get the same results eating 200g of carbohydrate every day plus more (350g+) on refeed day. I much prefer flexible dieting where I can…
  • I would suggest slowly raising your calories over the course of a week (so 50-60 per day). The big advantage of the slow approach is that it avoids major weight spikes which can cause negative psychological effects. The disadvantage is that it’s less fun and means you have to be meticulous about your food intake the whole…
  • That "burn" you're referring to is lactic acid building up in your muscles. It's not required for muscle growth (hypertrophy), which is what I'm assuming you're after if you're weight training. However, if you increase the weight and repetitions, eventually (usually after 45 seconds of time under tension) you will feel the…
  • Honestly, just the personal satisfaction of knowing what I accomplished. And hopefully a few more years tacked on!
  • The Fitbit Flex is a great way to know where you stand deficit wise, and challenge yourself each day to make sure you're keeping things going in the right direction. I know exactly where I stand towards the end of the day so I can make necessary adjustments to meet my calorie balance. It's definitely helped me in my quest…
  • I'm a fellow fitness fanatic and sugar addict. Just turned 49 and proof positive that old guys can hang with the young bucks! Definitely add me!
  • So, your dad and his friends are bodybuilders, yet none of them seem to think that 1000 cals is too little for you? UNLESS you were doing some sort of kick-start rapid fat loss VLCD thing (which wouldn't apply to you), your protein intake alone would be around 750-800 cals/day. Throw in 20% of total intake in fat…
  • Being in New York- the Mecca for bagels, it's impossible not to find a bagel store on every other block. Which is why they're great for refeeds. I like to eat a few whenever I refeed, but haven't in awhile. I just got reminded! Fresh and hot out of the oven- no butter required!
  • To get up on a stage in front of hundreds (thousands?) of strangers, in a speedo, lathered in oil and self tanner, and perform muscle flexing poses... wait! Do I REALLY want to do that? Nah, just to practice what I preach. (I'm a newly certified personal trainer).
  • But wait....No video? How bout my "Abominator 3000" for only $29.99 if I act now? I can't do it on only 7 minutes per day? Fugghedaboudit!
  • Yeah- no you don't. Unless you eat 700 calories in on meal. Or you weigh 70 lbs. How could you feel "full" after eating 700 cals in a day? Just, no.
  • This "starvation mode" people speak of is generally not an issue for those with a lot of body fat to lose. It is known scientifically as metabolic slowdown (if you want to know more, google the Minnesota experiment), and only really occurs in VERY lean individuals who have reached low levels of bodyfat. A female with 80…
  • How about just answering OP's question, as opposed to getting into a pissing match over the timing of Creatine supplementation? Did he ask about that? No, he asked if it was possible that his inital, relatively large spike in weight could be the result of Creatine. Answer his question then leave. This is not the forum for…
  • IIFIMM. Hate to be so passe, but if I burned an "extra" 400 cals that day, I'll eat something "fattening" (I hate that term by the way, because either everything or nothing can be fattening, lol), that night if i want to. But I wouldn't specifically plan it that way. My way of eating is relaxed and flexible- as long as I'm…
  • Most restaurants will make an egg-white omelet. Even McDonalds has egg whites now. You make it work however you can. I used to take the kids to McDonald's (I've since weaned them off of it), and order 2 grilled chicken sandwiches, double up the chicken, throw away one bun, and have a diet Coke. Nonetheless, I think you're…
  • I have one word for you: CONSISTENCY. It is one of the most important aspects of success in losing fat (or anything for that matter). You must be consistent; which means logging every meal you eat, every day. To make that easier, I eat basically the same things every day. I weigh, measure or scan everything that I eat. I…
  • Would need more specfics to advise. Current weight, estimated bodyfat %, current macros and type of weight training. Abs every day? That would be the first thing to go. I wouldn't advise cutting carbs if you're doing that much activity. I train abs once per week (if that), do a very moderate amount of cardio, eat at least…
  • NO. DEFINITELY not this^^^. Possbly thw
  • That's an amazing amount of progress and weight lost! Think about how you'll feel and look once you've lost ANOTHER 37 lbs. As long as you are improving every day, week, month, etc., you're progressing. Many times I think to myself "I'll never reach my goal by X date." But then I realize that as long as I reach that goal,…
  • It completely depends on what your intake is. There is no way he (or anyone) can determine where the calories are coming from, unless he knows what you're eating. That being said, there exists something called calorie partitioning (Google it), and that may determine how much energy is being utilized from carbs, fats or…
  • I "go over my calories" every week. Or at least eat at maintenance, AND eat tons of carbs every Sunday. It's called a re-feed, and anyone who is eating at a significant deficit (more than 20-25%) all week should consider doing the same thing. Or, at the very least eating a free meal or 2 every week. Guilt? I'd feel guilty…
  • I'll probably get blasted for this, but oh well. Eating only 1993 calories at 267lbs may be not enough, especially with the amount of areobic exercise you're currently doing. If your calculations are accurate regarding intake and expenditure, you may be experiencing metabolic slowdown, or more spefifically, "metabolic…