

  • I decided the same thing this weekend. At first I was going to put money aside each week to use for vacation, but i was like that's not enough motivation so I decided the same thing you did. If I don't reach my goals, I cannot get a pedicure or massage or whatever else I want. I'm a little spoiled also. Good luck with your…
  • thanks for all the suggestions. I'm still trying to figure out what my reward will be..good luck to all of you with your goals!!
  • you're not eating enough calories and ur body is going into starvation mode. When you log your food is it telling you that you're not eating enough calories?
  • i also have well over 100 lbs to lose.. i am stuck and can't seem to get past this 7 lbs to bring me down to the 300s..and it's killing me. i'm determined to do it this month. so add me so we all can help each other