

  • I feel like water weight happens to me every weekend. I usually flush it out by drinking water mixed with whole cranberry and lemon juices... I swear, I regulary gain and lose 4lbs due to sodium, its so crazy. Like the other person said, don't sweat the water weight if you're doing everything else right, it doesn't even…
  • First, I seriously doubt that you are skinny fat at 5'6'' and 130lbs! Are you exercising? What is your routine? Because I am 5'4'', and I weigh 8lbs more than you... and am in no way'skinny fat,' but I work out (cardio and strength training) daily. Try some strength training, but remember that this may cause you to gain…
  • Congrats Lizie!!! Even if you don't reach goals right away, don't quit! This is proof that you will!!!
  • I'm interested to hear from a normal person what its like also! It looks like it fits its name...
  • Just only eat one or two at a time! Then you can enjoy them. Remember, its not the first bite that does us in, its when we eat the whole box!
  • The only way to really figure it out is to get a heart rate monitor, especially for something like that. They sell them at all different prices at sports stores! But I would guess that if you used the tab for "walking while carrying an infant," it would be pretty close to the actual calories that you are burning.
  • Thanks for posting this! I've been trying to get motivated to do this too, but I am afraid... You're inspiring me, you go!
  • If you really want to lose weight, you just have to stop drinking as much. I personally haven't stopped drinking, but I go with red wine. I think beer has more calories than other kinds of alcohol- so maybe you could switch? Also remember that the bigger problem with alcohol isn't always the calories and fat in it itself,…
  • Tom just another thing, I noticed after I weighed in one week that I had gained something like 5lbs. I hadn't done ANYTHING but exercise and eat within 1300 calories per day. So I thought, maybe I have consumed too much salt? I did a sodium flush (drank something like a 60oz of water total, at times I mixed it with whole…
  • I'm not really a nutritional expert but you look to be doing things mostly right from what I understand, but could use some small adjustments. I do not believe it is a big deal to have fat left over, but you may want to up your protein and carb intake. Protein is what your muscles need to get stronger, and when your…