Advice Please

Redkoala Posts: 146
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
Can anyone take a look at my food diary over the last 3 days, i've been getting within 100 calories no problem but my carb, fat and protein always seems to be alot left at the end of the day. Any tips on foods with low calories but with some fat/carb/protein in that i could eat as a snack to build it up?

Also how important are these 3 things to loose weight?

Thanks in advance. Tom.


  • Peanut butter is a great source of protein. You may want to try it with celery or an apple.
  • Marcy79
    Marcy79 Posts: 41 Member
    WOW, congrats on losing 45lbs!!! I think whatever it is you're doing, it's working out pretty well!! :) I'm pretty sure it's better to be UNDER on fat and carbs... if you want to boost your protein I would suggest possibly looking into a protein shake or powder you can add to one. .. GNC and most super centers sell it. Congrats again on losing all those lbs!
  • I'm not really a nutritional expert but you look to be doing things mostly right from what I understand, but could use some small adjustments. I do not believe it is a big deal to have fat left over, but you may want to up your protein and carb intake. Protein is what your muscles need to get stronger, and when your muscles are more conditioned you burn more fat, just even doing ordinary things! I'm assuming you exercise regularly? Carbs are important because it gives you energy to exercise, build muscles, and hence, burn more fat! If I were you, I would add a protein to your breakfast (yogurt is an excellent source), but if you can't, you can add some protein by adding nuts to your snacking- a couple of almonds might be good! You can add good carbs by eating some fresh fruit- an apple to lunch or an orange as a snack somewhere. As I said, I am no expert, but I think getting the right amount of carbs and protein are actually quite important to overall weight loss. Good luck!
  • UnderCoverShyGirl
    UnderCoverShyGirl Posts: 254 Member
    I noticed on the day you had lamb, there was a zero protien value in the nutrition part, i'm pretty sure there's protien in lamb, so you actually had more than you think (and that was your biggest "low protien day".

    Also, i noticed that the tuna in brine you had from sainsbury had like 20 grams of protien and 83 calories - if that's really the case, then that would be a good snack to have on a day when you aren't getting much protien - you get a wallop for few calories!

    Just a side note, not sure if you are concerned about sodium or not - i noticed that you seem to like a lot of things similiar to what i like - convenient, prepackaged, tins, etc...when you reach your goal weight, you may want to keep tracking and add your sodium levels to the chart. I got a nasty surprise when i started having chest pain and found i had the high blood pressure - had no idea how much sodium was in all those little devils. But i have to say you are doing such a good job losing, seems like you shouldn't muck it up with that yet, maybe later :-) Congrats on your loss!
  • Redkoala
    Redkoala Posts: 146
    Thanks alot for all your fast comments. I will definitely look into the protein shake and maybe have a full tin of tina instead of half with my meals. I'm not actually counting sodium because to be honest i'm new to actually making a diary of my food. Since i started my weightloss in August i've just really been guessing lol. Thought i'd actually start to work out what i actually eat which wasn't a bad guess after all :)

    On the exercise i go to the gym for 1 hour and half 5 times a week doing mainly cardio along with rowing and weights. I was thinking of asking my local surgery about seeing a dietitian taking along a print out of my week and see that they could say.

    I'll let you know how i get on thanks again. Tom.
  • Tom just another thing, I noticed after I weighed in one week that I had gained something like 5lbs. I hadn't done ANYTHING but exercise and eat within 1300 calories per day. So I thought, maybe I have consumed too much salt? I did a sodium flush (drank something like a 60oz of water total, at times I mixed it with whole cranberry juice, and did not consume anything with excess sodium). I am not even KIDDING you, the very next day I ahd lost all 5lbs plus one more! I am guessing a lot of it was from the sodium. I know thinking about it is a hassle in addition to the many other things, but it can be causing excess bloating and preventing you from losing the most amount of weight that you can- in addition to the very good health points that the other poster brought up. Anyway keep up the good work! I hope it all goes well for you!!!
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