

  • HI Stacy, This is the first step of your change of Life Style. We are here to support you. I joined in March of this year and it has been great. I have made new friends here. They are supportive and understanding. We have all had or ups and downs, but knowing when to reach out to others can be hard sometimes. You can do…
  • I too am done this alone, I now it is a life style changes. I tried about 5 years ago with Weight Watchers, but did not keep it up. Now that I am hitting 50 this yrs, I want to feel better about myself and love myself again. My new friends on here , have helped me a lot.. It lets me know I am not alone on this change of…
  • So times we take one step backwards and two steps forwards. There will be weeks where we might gain or just stay right where we are at. The biggest thing to do, is not let is get you down. All good things come in time, keep working at it and it will happen before you know it. One day you will try on a pair of pants, that…
  • Hello, Welcome ... I just joined this week and so far it has been great. I get support by my new friends, I love it. One step at a time and this is your first step.. with many more to come. Add me if you like
  • Thank you, no fun doing this alone.