Hi! Need to lose this weight and get out of this funk!

My name is Stacey. I recently lost 15 lbs. It took me about 2 months. I have another 35 lbs. to go to reach my goal. While I'm happy that I've lost 15, I still feel really bulky and just not myself. Most of my life I've been tall and slender, then came Menopause and 40 lbs. packed on when I wasn't looking! My boobs are ridiculously big, my lower back and belly look like I'm hiding bacon in them...I just feel YUCK. I came to this site looking for support because yesterday I was so depressed, I overate and just started crying and feeling sorry for myself. I know I can do it...but the weight just comes off SO slowly. I just want to be myself again...I want to look forward to getting dressed instead of dreading it. Help! I recently lost my job and with it, alot of friends and support. I'll be 49 in November so I'm also dealing with the "getting older" thing. I need a boost....!


  • shortssoon
    Now is a great time to get started. 15lbs is a big start ! you can do it.
  • perrinjoshua
    perrinjoshua Posts: 286 Member
    Go for it! You can do this. Friend me if you'd like.
  • belindanjumo
    belindanjumo Posts: 109 Member
    Hi stacey. You should know that your weight loss is impressive. I lost just 3 lbs in 3 months. When I hear u lost 15 lbs in 2months am like wao. Just keep doing what you are doing (and by the way what is ur secret?) and the weight will come off completely. Its better to take time and lose it so it stays completely off, than to rush and lose it, then it will just come back on and even more. Stay positive and everything will be fine. Sorry about ur job. I know it sucks. But if you keep looking, u might get an even better one. Make new friends here that are inspiring. You can add me if you like. I just joined MFP but am on everyday. Take care
  • Matusid
    Matusid Posts: 2 Member
    I'm with you sister on the menopause! I am in the same boat, and am starting a way to wellness program (offered at a local hospital where I live) to help me get back on track. I also was the same way--most of my life being slender. But you need to look at life differently now that you are getting older--life should be like a GPS. GPS only looks at where you are now and where you want to go--never where you have been. So keep looking forward and know that your body will go thru more transitions as you get older--you can't stop that. Just strive to be healthy and happy with yourself--life is too short to stress too much over it. STAY STRONG!
  • cynthiapick
    cynthiapick Posts: 49 Member
    Hello Stacey
    Welcome to the club, you have come to the right place if you need support. Keep logging in and try doing some exercise, start small and aim big. Feel free to make me a friend if you like
  • chevy1063
    chevy1063 Posts: 7
    HI Stacy,
    This is the first step of your change of Life Style. We are here to support you. I joined in March of this year and it has been great. I have made new friends here. They are supportive and understanding. We have all had or ups and downs, but knowing when to reach out to others can be hard sometimes.
    You can do this and I will be here by your side.
  • bmt130
    bmt130 Posts: 1
    I'm going through the same thing, I also lost my job and packed on more pounds while suffering from major depression. I will be 42 in December been dealing with premenapause mood swings, night sweats, weight gain. I went to doctor changed my antidepressant. I started to try amberen, I finally weighed myself after months...I knew it wouldn't be good because none of my clothes fit, I can't stand seeing myself in the mirror. I weigh more than I ever have, but it pushed me to take a walk every day, try to eat less, and user this site. I think 15lbs is amazing. Keep it up.:-) Beth
  • jenf235
    jenf235 Posts: 157 Member
    Hi Stacey.

    15 pounds is awesome! This is such a hard journey, but I am so glad you came to MFP because it has been my saving grace in my weightloss journey. If it wasn't for my MFP friends, I would have given up a long time ago. Feel free to add me if you need a friend. I still have about 35 pounds left to lose and I hit a point of major discouragement this past week. Good luck in your journey...we can do this together!