
  • I'd love to join in with you ladies because I have just started this journey of being a SAHM I feel like I will need all the help I can get in the coming weeks and months and I would love to lend a hand to anyone else if I can... 3 weeks ago today I gave birth to my beautiful and perfect baby boy after a lot of heartache…
  • Another 2 miles finished. I'm surprised I even made it to the gym through all the wind and rain.
  • 2 miles last night, but it took a lot to get up and get going. Time to stop slacking off and get my buns in gear!
  • Hit the gym yesterday and another 3.25 miles done! And I didn't even factor in all the walking around I did at the market and in town on Saturday. I'm feeling pretty good too... Is it possible that I am actually starting to enjoy this 'exercise' thing? :noway:
  • arewethereyet....Thanks so much for you post and words of wisdom. I'm just starting out on my journey and I'm doing okay, and okay is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, I should be proud of it! I forget that sometimes. Thanks for the reminder.
  • 3.63 miles done! Not bad work for a Friday.:happy:
  • Opinions please... Would the miles I'm doing on the cross (elliptical) trainer count towards this month's total? I just get a bit bored on the treadmill sometimes and I feel like I need to mix things up a bit...
  • I'm in! I've done pretty well in January on the fitness side of things, but I don't want to lose my motivation, so this challenge sounds great! I feel like my goal of 20 miles is a bit on the low side, but I do other exercise besides walking most days of the week, so we'll see... Good luck everyone!
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