formygirls02 Member


  • Hi Everyone! Thank you all for reaching out. I love the idea of eating less during the day and leaving more for the evening. I guess its always been ingrained in me that I have to eat a certain amount for every meal. Isn't it weird how a habit is hard to break and changing it is really so obvious!? :smile: Can I add you…
  • OK I am really going to need support this weekend. I have three kids so that is alot of Halloween candy! I know I am going to eat it but I will have the willpower to not eat all of it! Happy Halloween! :smile:
  • Thanks for all the support. I got through yesterday and last night really good. Instead of eating after the kids went to sleep I just went to sleep too.
    in Hi Comment by formygirls02 October 2008
  • Hi I have been a member for awhile but have lost touch with this site for many months. I am 37, 5'6" and weigh 155lbs. I am always tired and cranky and I just want to feel better. I have this terrible habit of eating junk in the evenings after my kids are in bed. I know I just need to stop buying it. This is what happens I…
    in Hi Comment by formygirls02 October 2008