Thanks! I've been needing a new strap and at less than 10 bucks this is great.
I've been taking metformin for a couple years now and in the beginning I lost 50 pounds with just counting calories. I think it helped a lot, but I finished grad school and moved back home and started a new job and gained all the weight back. I think it helps with my insulin and blood sugar levels. Ever since I got my…
Thanks for the responses everyone! So far I'm doing good but I'm sure its just water weight so far. Is anyone else on any meds? I'm taking metformin and BC currently. I was able to lose some weight before but I gained it all back.
Did you start cutting out soda? If you cut back on any soda or coffee or anything with caffeine, you could be going through caffeine withdraw.
I don't think that's Orthorexia, but it does sound a little like OCD. Real OCD, not the "I like all my stuff clean, I have OCD lol" you hear people say all the time. If you don't stick to your routine and order, does it effect the way you feel? Like if you were served food, or someone made food and you weren't able to eat…
Were the sodas caffeinated? You might be going through caffeine withdrawal. Both my parents get headaches if they don't get their diet Pepsi in the morning.
I saw someone else mention it, but is the best place you can go for more info, or post a thread. There is info in the side bar that is priceless. It will give you an idea of not only how to measure, but help you figure out what type of breasts you have. I personally am a 36JJ/38J (UK sizing) and…
I'm going to suggest that anyone looking here go to this awesome forum: and read the info in the side bar, ESPECIALLY if you've only ever been sized at Victoria Secret. I went from thinking I was a 40 G to a 36 JJ (about a 36I in US sizing). I see a lot of people think they're in the DD-DDD range,…