Hoosier_Kat Member


  • Roasted garbanzo beans. (I love them with garlic powder, onion powder, smoked paprika, and just a bit of salt.) I cut back the oil from this recipe to about half. http://www.yummly.com/recipe/external/Crispy-roasted-chickpeas-_garbanzo-beans_-308444
  • Granted these numbers are averages and not necessarily what an individual will burn. The only way to know your specific burn is with a HRM, but it is an interesting comparison. http://www.livestrong.com/article/229356-calories-burned-running-vs-biking/
  • LOL...I saw that same episode and said I was totally going to steal that line.
  • I agree with the others, cycling and swimming/water aerobics. That's what my mom's PT advised for my mom after each of her knee replacements and her patellar tendon rebuild. They specifically advised her to use a recumbent bike due to her tendon issue. If you have reduced range of motion/flexion due to tendon or ACL…
  • I, too, suffer from anxiety (PTSD, OCD, GAD, and Agorophobia) as well as chronic depression. I have also tried multiple meds and have had severe complications from them all, including increased suicidal ideation. I'm currently doing the therapy without the meds and focusing on CBT with some ERP. It does help, but it is a…
  • I'm allergic to nuts (peanuts and tree nuts) so I use soy nut butter. It tastes somewhat similar to peanut butter but not exactly like it, and the texture is a bit different. If you're not a fan of peanut butter, I'd probably steer clear of the soy nut butter.
  • Thank you for this. My close friend (who holds a degree in Sociology and recently finished her doctorate in Food Systems and Eating) and I have had this same conversation many times.
  • Aidan Turner from BBC's "Being Human" and "The Hobbit".
  • If these numbers are accurate, then you should NOT eat less than the 1786.95 (basically 1787). Doing so consistently can actually slow your metabolism as your body is not getting enough calories to sustain it's basic activities, You should be eating 15%-20% less than your TDEE (the maximum number of calories you can eat…
  • I told my mom that if anything happens to me, to be sure they play "Daydream Believer" by the Monkees. I want to give the people a moment of WTF?, and then leave them laughing. Anyone who would mourn me know that is totally me.
  • If you're changing the "numbers" on the stationary bike, you're changing the resistance. Basically, when you increase the number it becomes like pedaling uphill, the higher the number, the steeper the hill. That puts more work on your legs as well.
  • I love Celestial Seasonings Bengal Spice. It's a caffeine free herbal but tastes like chai. It has a tiny amount of stevia in it, so no need to sweeten. It's good hot or cold or even with a tad of non-fat or soy milk to make it like a chai latte.
  • Depends on what you're making and what you want to do. If you only have time to prep it and freeze it raw to cook later,you can do that (kind of like those ready to cook meals in the freezer section where you just dump the bag in the skillet and heat). Most of the time, I just do it when I'm cooking something I can make in…
  • A trick I've found is to freeze portions in a muffin tin. (I have a silicon one that works really well, but a regular metal one will work as well.) A standard sized muffin tin is a little under half a cup. If you heap it you have about 1/2 cup serving. If you fill just above half you have 1/4 cup serving. Two tins is…
  • When I cook, I like to make double batches of things that I can freeze. Use half, put the rest in the freezer for a later date. (You can even freeze them in individual servings for portion control if you like.) Then you can just pop it out and stick it in the fridge a day or two in advance, or defrost in the microwave, and…
  • Protein. Since I've raised my protein intake (trying to stay near 100g), my hunger and cravings have greatly subsided. I actually have difficulty some days making my calories for TDEE-20%. I like to start my day with eggs to get protein from the start and include at least one Greek yogurt per day. Nuts can be a good…
  • I too go for water or unsweetened tea (hot or cold). I have a particular fondness for Bigelow Earl Grey decaf or Celestial Seasonings Bengal Spice.
  • Try adding some fresh grated ginger and/or fresh peppermint. Both can help alleviate the gas caused by veggies such as cabbage, broccoli, kale, cauliflower, etc. It would be super easy to slip into a smoothie.
  • I agree. I always hang anything I think might shrink. It's also easier on the fabric than putting it through the dryer. I say, celebrate your accomplishments in whatever way suits you best. If it's buying that cute new dress, then go for it. If that causes too much anxiety for you, then maybe just take a few of your…
  • Back in the day, my brothers would have said bailing hay. Standing in the wagon and picking up, carrying, and stacking 100lb. bails all day long in the Indiana summer heat is definitely a workout. As far as the drainage ditch, I could use one, too. Although, our yard currently looks so much like a lake that I'm tempted to…