

  • I rest one day a week, usually a weekday. I witch it up to keep my body confused.
  • Oh...because of how low my sodium already is, I cannot cut anymore from my diet and with workouts being as intense, I already drink 64 - 80 oz of water
  • I am also having a similar problem! The other day I was excited to see that I have dropped yet another pound. But....when I worked out (I did eat more than normal that day too - under 1300 calories though) I gained 3 pounds!! WTH?! I resumed the last two days with regular eating (my doc has me on a VLC diet - for the next…
  • What is hypertrophy? Ive not heard of that before.
  • I do Insanity; 6 days a week. Toward the end of week 3 though, I twisted my ankle and had to rest. I was pissed cause i really like the program (even though I yell at him through the TV!). So I waited till the swelling went down and started back up again this week. I heard though that people tend to lose more weight in the…
  • It's all how you carry your weight. Plus stuff shifts around after kids. I have 3; I was the lightest after I had the first one, but my measurements now are better (to me) than when I was at my lightest. WEIRD! I'm 5'2", 137.6 and between a size 6/8.
  • My doc has told me that if I run into a plateau, try eating a cheat meal. ONE meal where you eat anything you want and not have any guilt about it. It is supposed trick and shock your body. Then go back to exercise and eating right. I have not had that problem yet, but I have just started. I will totally take his idea if I…
  • I am 5'2" and people think I am nuts when I tell people I have to lose weight too! Everyone always telling me that because I have 3 kids it shouldn't matter as long as I am healthy. That's the point! I am not! My BMI was slightly over and I don't FEEL right at a heavier weight. Plus, I am getting married in October and I…
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