no weight loss in over a month

Im 44, I've lost 8 pounds since jan 1 2013,

in the last month, I've lost nothing, my cal are 1530 for the day, workouts burn 570 cal a day, i eat my 1530, i drink my water, ect..

what gives, ok i have lost inches, a few.. but i thought by now i would have lost more..



  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    So if I'm reading that right you do not eat back your exercise calories?

    Do you weigh your food with a food scale and measure free-pouring liquids with measuring spoons/cups? Do you create your own recipes?
  • poptastic
    poptastic Posts: 151 Member
    Weight loss is a slow process! If you've lost a few inches since Janaury that is pretty good going, you just have to keep it up! What exercise are you doing? Are you eating enough to fuel it? How much do you have to lose?
  • mamabravo68
    i weigh everything...

    i have 20 to loose.. because of back issues, i do the treadmill 1 hour every day, plus 15 min of weights

    should i be eating back calories, some people say do, some don't..
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    i weigh everything...

    i have 20 to loose.. because of back issues, i do the treadmill 1 hour every day, plus 15 min of weights

    should i be eating back calories, some people say do, some don't..

    Yes, you should be eating back at least some of your exercise calories - if you got your numbers from MPF you need to really NET 1530 cals a day. Under eating may well be why you aren't losing if you are weighing everything and being honest.

    Try eating your full calorie allowance for 6 weeks and see how your body feels - you may put on a little at first - your body's reaction to the increase in calories after being on under 1000 NET for the past few months. BUT give it the full 6 weeks for your body to adjust and I'll bet you start losing.
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    should i be eating back calories, some people say do, some don't..

    If your weight loss has stalled and you aren't eating your exercise calories back then why not try eating them?

    The best thing to do in a plateau is change something up right?
  • Katrinadionne1808
    Are you running on the treadmill or doing incline fast paced walking.

    Running improves your fitness whereas fast paced walking on an incline, although improving fitness is better for burning fat. Also, would be good to add some weights in if you are doing the walking as that helps further. Nothing too major just a few kilos.

    What about also doing something like an LBT class? something that isn't too heavy on your body but burns for me between 290-360 cals per 45 minute class but over half of that time is fat burning.

    I have a Polar FT7 HRM which indicates which exercises are best fat burning wise for me and personally I'd rather go with that as opposed to burning more calories.
  • madamchoochoo
    madamchoochoo Posts: 36 Member
    Maybe look at the balance of food you are eating. If i stall i up my protein and good fats and decrease all refined carbs and that seems to jump start my body into burning again. Maybe worth a try.
  • gonegonzo
    gonegonzo Posts: 22 Member
    I hope this post isn't for women only .

    I'm having the same problem . Someone did mention that if my body thinks I'm starving it will store fat slowing or preventing weight loss . I'll admit I'm discouraged and frustrated .

    I'm holding my calory numbers per day and weighing my meals . I've not been exercizing due to a physical problem with my feet . Yesterday I tried bicycling and found it only caused minimal foot pain . I plan to continue the bicycling .

    What's new to me is the eating back the calories you've exercized off . Can someone elaborate on that ? Also if you have any other ideas , let me know .

    I'm a male - 6'3''- 417 lbs. My goal is getting to 250 lbs.

  • DaniellBBFitness
    I think you need a new program. your body is probably used to that 1 hour a day of the treadmill and your intensity. You need to switch things up. :)
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    OP, not sure what you're doing on the treadmill but 570 seems like too high of a calorie burn for an hour of walking and 15 minutes of weights. If you're getting that number from your treadmill or MFP, it's likely that the number is inflated by about 30% (FYI, this comes from my experience using an HRM and comparing as well as input from other MFP members). So if you do plan on eating your calories back (which you sould), I'd stick closer to around 400.

    The reason you should eat your calories back is because MFP sets you up with a calorie deficit so that you don't "have" to exercise to lose the weight (but you should exercise because it's good for your health). When you do execise, this creates an even higher calorie deficit which in most cases is far too high to be sustainable. When your net calorie intake is too low, you can start suffering health consequences and your weight loss will slow down. For good health and better weight loss, it's best to eat back at least half, if not all, of your exercise calories. Starvation mode is technically a myth but there is some logic behind it.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    I hope this post isn't for women only .

    I'm having the same problem . Someone did mention that if my body thinks I'm starving it will store fat slowing or preventing weight loss . I'll admit I'm discouraged and frustrated .

    I'm holding my calory numbers per day and weighing my meals . I've not been exercizing due to a physical problem with my feet . Yesterday I tried bicycling and found it only caused minimal foot pain . I plan to continue the bicycling .

    What's new to me is the eating back the calories you've exercized off . Can someone elaborate on that ? Also if you have any other ideas , let me know .

    I'm a male - 6'3''- 417 lbs. My goal is getting to 250 lbs.


    It's better if you start your own topic - go into the general diet and weight loss board and click on the green new topic button. When you do also tell us how many calories you are eating a day as well as your other details and we'll help you. :flowerforyou:
  • kamiev
    kamiev Posts: 5 Member
    Have you tried weight lifting? It's a good workout and you could lay off of your foot. By eating back the calories you've exercized off, what is meant is that whenever you workout you should eat in calories what you worked off. The reason for that is if you only eat the calories you start off with without the ones you've worked off, your body goes into "starvation" mode. Not eating enough calories can be just as bad for weight loss as eating too many.
    Does walking cause your foot to hurt? If not you might want to try adding a little more of that in your daily routine.
  • kamiev
    kamiev Posts: 5 Member
    Im 44, I've lost 8 pounds since jan 1 2013,

    in the last month, I've lost nothing, my cal are 1530 for the day, workouts burn 570 cal a day, i eat my 1530, i drink my water, ect..

    what gives, ok i have lost inches, a few.. but i thought by now i would have lost more..


    You need to be eating back what you "earn" for working out. What has happened is that your body lost weight because of sudden changes but now you're working out a lot without eating enough. Like I said to someone else on this post, not eating enough calories can be just as bad as eating too many.
  • kamiev
    kamiev Posts: 5 Member
    Have you tried weight lifting? It's a good workout and you could lay off of your foot. By eating back the calories you've exercized off, what is meant is that whenever you workout you should eat in calories what you worked off. The reason for that is if you only eat the calories you start off with without the ones you've worked off, your body goes into "starvation" mode. Not eating enough calories can be just as bad for weight loss as eating too many.
    Does walking cause your foot to hurt? If not you might want to try adding a little more of that in your daily routine.
  • spicysweet3
    My doc has told me that if I run into a plateau, try eating a cheat meal. ONE meal where you eat anything you want and not have any guilt about it. It is supposed trick and shock your body. Then go back to exercise and eating right. I have not had that problem yet, but I have just started. I will totally take his idea if I do hit a plateau though!
  • poptastic
    poptastic Posts: 151 Member
    I think it's unlikely that you have plateaued from not eating enough, most of the time MFP really overestimates the amount you burn from exercise. I would try interval training on the treadmill - you can do this on incline walks if you are not comfortable running. Do a shorter workout but push yourself harder.

    I agree with the person below who says that your body has probably got used to this daily level of low impact exercise. I started cycling to work a few months ago (1hr a day) and at first it made a difference to my weight loss progress, now it's just part of my routine and if I did that alone I wouldn't notice a difference, because it's not high intensity exercise.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    i weigh everything...

    i have 20 to loose.. because of back issues, i do the treadmill 1 hour every day, plus 15 min of weights

    should i be eating back calories, some people say do, some don't..

    I'd eat back half to three quarters of them. Calorie burns are estimates and they can be off, but if you really are burning several hundred calories then you should eat at least most of them back.
  • mamabravo68
    ya, i use to run, but i can't any more do to a sI joint problem.. yes I'm on an 7.5 inline when i walk, 3.2 speed..
  • mamabravo68
    i do weights too.. its not my foot that is the problem it an SI joint issue, i way doing karate for 6 years and had to give it up because of it.. no running either,...
  • mamabravo68
    will try to eat more.. thanks