shirtshirt Member


  • wowzers only about 379 calories in a 12oz serving( i mean i think thats good) but the sodium is super high , so really good to know all of this and i can tweek it , thank you very much , i am just a 44 yr old novice at eating well and just knowing what im putting into my body is a game changer.
  • Awesome , thank you , yes i just start chopping stuff up and dumping things in there and i just say im making "crock pot" because it has no name and its never the same . I am quit curious to see how toxic it is, i sure hope its not off the charts.
  • i started my own religion, the I DONT KNOW religion. because i dont know. Everyone has there theories but im not going to spend my time worrying about those things., when ever, I DONT KNOW, some thing i just say I DONT KNOW, then move on (unless its actually learning how to do something tangible ). I DO KNOW that, that…
  • I was going to post i made my goal of day two also , im pritty proud of that also , muscles sore, but got on tread mill any way ,threw out old food and grocery shopped ,