mail2artist Member


  • OH LORD I'm LOVING this thread!!! Honestly my BIGGEST problem or insecurity has always been my *kitten* and thighs. The German blood is strong in me. Although I know my husband loves my butt I'm still insecure when I hit the pool and NEVER wear shorts. I will post a pic once I get one as I know it's required. ;) But this…
  • [/quote] You lady, could turn a homo straight. :love: [/quote] Awesome!! LOL
  • So I guess I'm confused by this. MFP gives me 1200 a day (without exercise). When I do exercise, which I try to get a run in everyday it of course adds anywhere from 150-350 extra. There's days I'll use them and other's I won't, however I ALWAYS eat at least my 1200 calories. Am I going to put my body into starvation mode…