

  • I know this is way late, but I just came across this and found it very interesting. About 3 years ago I was within 10-15 pounds of my ideal weight and decided to do the P90X program. I finished the full 90 days and did not lose much weight but had never been happier with my body. 2 years later the weight came back plus a…
  • Get the Rock My Run app! It is the best and its free! you can pick the genre of songs you want to listen to and the tempo is perfect for running!
  • I do not have any pics yet, but i started running in February and have since lost 15 pounds- just by running and using MFP to count calories. I also started weighing myself everyday which I think helped too. I started by using the C25K plan, and at first I could only run 3 minutes without stopping to walk. Now, 2 months…