wreckage Member


  • Yeah, it was more of a space issue than anything. 2 dumbells and 1 bench seemed like a good idea at the time.
  • Triceps I only do overhead, and kickback. I recently added another exercise to my biceps and I'm doing Concentration curl, hammer curl and incline curl. Would you recommend me cutting my biceps back to only 2 exercises? I know when I'm doing back it's hits my biceps too. I'm working with bowflex selecttechs, so I'm limited…
  • Also, thank you everyone for all the replies =)
  • I was doing 10-8-6-6, using the first set as a warm-up, but only recently moved it up to the 12-10-8-6. 16 sets for chest is pretty rare, as I feel like a wet noodle after the 12th set... I just try to sneak in decline presses every few weeks. Nothing really makes me feel like I'm not working as hard as I should. I'm able…
  • Yeah, I'm increasing my weight pretty steadily and the last few reps are always hard to complete... without the point where I have to drop the weights.
  • Yeah, good point, I guess there's no universal answer. I'll probably try to split up my cardio/weight days and see how that effects me. Thanks for all the responses everyone
  • Anyone else want to weigh in on this before I have a lazy night in front of the computer?
  • Well, the lazy part of me really wants to exercise less, but the driven part of me doesn't know if that's the right answer. I find it hard to control things like sodium, carbs, etc. when I eat more calories than I'm used to.
  • Yeah, the lack of challenge for me is what worries me. He's under the impression that we're both getting the same workout, but I just don't believe it to be so. Thank you for all the replys =)
  • Unfortunately we don't have gym memberships, so the treadmill isn't really an option. I'm thinking maybe I'll do a lap with him, then we'll plug in our iPods and go at our own pace for the remainder of the walk.
  • Wow, guess I need an HRM =) I hadn't really noticed how hard MFP failed at the calculations until today. The difference between 3 mph, was like 100 cal less than 3.2 mph, but 3.5 mph was about 50 less than 3.2 mph. It confused me greatly.
  • Awesome replies, thanks =). I'm going to be taking a little bit out of everyone's post and hopefully it'll all come together for me. I'll update this post in a week or so to see how things have moved along.
  • Thank you all for replying... I figured I need to eat more. I'll give that a whirl and see how it turns out.
  • Well... I quit the alcohol on the weekdays. This week I'm planning on cutting Friday out of the equation and just going out on Saturday nights. 314 was my starting weight too, so you'll be my inspiration. I've noticed that my sodium is constantly over... it seems that any type of non-homemade salad with chicken in it is…
  • I figured I need to eat more, it's just difficult because of my work schedule. I do consulting and drive from business to business from 8:30 - 5:30. I find that anything more that I eat (ie. - anything bought at a gas station/fast food joint) is horrible for me. I bring a granola bar in the car with me for my "3 PM snack",…