

  • Very nice post- Persistence pays off. Everything in moderation and you will accomplish anything you want. Also do not be so hard on yourself. Lose slowly and correctly. If you do that and make your life better, and be happy you will sustain the weight loss. If you try and do it all at once, then you are begging for…
  • I agree. Muscle Growth is what you are going through. If you do work out doing weight training you will gain some weight in actual muscle weight, but trust me this is a good thing. The more muscle you have the more fat it burns! Keep your head up and it will work itself out!
  • You can do it, all you need is determination and make it a habit. This site is wonderful in that and to see others losing so much weight is amazing- Keep it up. Any weight loss is a big success no matter how large or small it is. Every morning you should look at yourself in the mirror and know that you are doing what it…
  • Hey Sis- I knew it would be a good idea to post on here- I would mix up the cardio with the Yoga, and see if that helps. Like I said people do Plateau and then it's time to mix it up! Love ya-