katies180 Member


  • Thank you for replying, I wasn't sure if anybody was active here! I am lucky to live in the mountains, so every time go out for a run I am pushed by steep climbs, and steep descents. 16miles on the flat is one thing, but 16miles with 1850m of climbing is going to be something else. My training has come to a standstill, as…
  • I am going to try the "ignore the exercise calories" route for a couple of weeks, and see how that goes, eating 1900. Thank you for your responses!
  • Thank you for your response. I always wear my hrm when i do other activities and then log the start time and duration, to make sure it is correct, and doesn't mess up fitbit. I only have to two kilos to lose, and I thik this is why it is harder. I weigh foods too. I have tried different approaches over the past few months…
  • Hi, I have been using my fitbit since early December, along with my HRM to record gym classes such as Zumba (double burn on hrm) and circuits, snowboarding and snowshoeing (using poles moving uphill burns more than fitbit records) and also for running (I live in the mountains, and found that my fitbit as not accurately…
  • Thank you both for replying. I will look into it, just wasn't sure where to look, as the internet searches spew loads of stuff out, and then when you read into them there are conflicting vienws. Suppose nobody agrees on what is the best alternative, as muscles are worked differently with different exercises.I have been…
  • Hi, I have just started the program. If you look at page 188-191 there are variations for the push up, being elevated at an angle makes it easier. I have been taking about 30mins to complete each workout, but this is variable as I have to adjust my equipment to the right weights etc. I am not following the meal plan, so…
  • I am interested to know this, about to quit too. What method are you using? Or is it just old fashioned will power? Like you, I know the benefits outweigh everything, but it is daunting! Good luck!!