candiceg1992 Member


  • I get everything on a wrap now if Im eating subway cuts the calories and carbs down from the normal bread, cause im on a low carb diet, and part with the cheese. If you need some sauce ask for just a small amount. Im a big fan of the tuna with loads of vege :)
  • Yes! I crave sugar after dinner and late night. I have ridiculous sleeping patterns as a student and end up late at night doing assignments and need to snack, so i'm going to try swap my late nights for getting up earlier to do work to help this :)
  • Hey Im going add you so we can support each other :) I'm in the same boat. Maxing at 194lbs and currently at 187lbs I too have been starting and stopping since I was 15. My first goal weight is 163lbs. Like toshi89 said i'm taking that approach, making it manageable. In the past ive done diet plans with all these meals…