

  • Nah, it is hands up, hands down, hands up, hands down, one of the worst uses of plastic...
  • And every time you use one an angel loses it's wings...
  • Yep, been there too, a few days ago, I checked and my HR was actually above my max so I had to slow it down for a few minutes. You definitely don't want to push through it (in my humble opinion)... Just let your HR come back down to a manageable level.
  • I totally understand, I used to HATE HATE HATE running, and then one day something changed, I don't know why, but one day I began to love running. Now the guy that would have rather eaten a bowl of nails than run, is doing half marathons in preparation for my first full marathon sometime this year...
  • I know! When I'm on my Rest/Stretch day I feel like I'm cheating, I keep thinking I want to work out, but I know I need at least one rest day a week...
  • You know, I had always heard about the "runners high", but never thought I had it... Now that I think about it, I think that is what I'm feeling. Well, it rocks!
  • A I know is a "skinny" person would'nt be saying that stuff..... Let em rot! And Great Job!!!
  • I know what you mean about taking longer to recover, I actually don't get sore after a tough workout until the second day after. The first time I noticed this really threw me off because the day after the workout I thought I was good, and I felt so fit, but then the next day rolled around and I was barely able to roll out…