mariellagomezr Member


  • Hi frappleberry, I just weighed my self this morning and was at 189.2. I hear that it is better to weigh yourself first thing in the morning after you use the bathroom. I used to weigh myself after workouts and kept getting discouraged. Lets stay focused! Tomorrow I;m already thinking about having toast with peanutbutter…
  • i just joined the group today i'm a little confused Are tf he challenges posted on the discussion board or do i get a message? How does this work? Is it only one person posting challenges, or can we post challenges too? This recess one sounds fun If its a challenge i ll do jump rope. if its not a challenge i…
  • Hey Im not in my 30s but sometimes i feel like i am, my husband just turned 39 so i always hang out with people who are in their mid 30s or older. I have four tatoos, nothing as big as a sleeve, and my husband has like 6 or 7 tatoos. My name is mariella, why do you want to lose weight? I'm over weight i dont go to the gym…