

  • No biggie! Good luck to you
  • By "experts" I mean people who have found something that worked for them and assume their anecdotal evidence is proof that their system will work for everyone. One person's personal experience losing weight is one thing but 20+ years of working in a weight loss clinic as an MD is something totally different. When you go to…
  • And she did say, earlier in this thread, that the therapist has a "real PhD in nutrition" however looking at the clinic's site, that does not appear to be the case. Had some bad info from the OP.
  • I went and looked and I agree, I'm just saying that I was going off what the OP said. Don't know why the OP claimed she had a Nutrition PhD if she was an MD. I agree. She is an MD with background working in nutrition now. Still, OP is WAY better off talking with either her nutritionist or getting a second opinion than she…
  • OP said she had "real Phd in nutrition" So I was going off of that.
  • OP, this is ridiculous. Please for the love of god don't listen to anyone here. Your DOCTOR has a PHD in NUTRITION. A PhD in Nutrition requires 5 or more years of full-time nutrition study plus a doctoral thesis approved by a panel of experts usually with 20+ years of full time research and study. People here mean well but…
  • When I was in high school I was about 205 sophomore year and started doing track/cross country. I was 160 by mid-junior year (probably about 6 months) without any other changes in my diet or lifestyle. Your mileage may vary with that because I had a typical 17 year old boy metabolism but if you have the willpower to make…
  • here ya go: In case any treadmill hater needs some help getting down from their incredibly high horse