jenkay87 Member


  • I can see why you are excepting in august. lol and your life sounds beautiful and full of blessings. Good Job lady!
  • Awww great story. Very inspiring.
  • My sister deals. Some people are all about instant gratification. If she can't have something she gets irritable and doesn't even know she's doing it. Put a smile on even when your not feeling up to it triggers the brain to release happy chemicals!!
  • BMR BMI are crap. They doesn't account for muscle men have higher muscle mass then ladies so it prolly work better for women. There is huge debate on the subject but the department of agriculture controls the government health education and they have had so many budget cut no one even cares,
  • Calories are important but the QUALITY of calories are MORE important!!!! If you every foods full of vitamins and fiber, this is what your body needs to break down fat. They're a chemical cycles of breaking down fat. So if you body gets to a point in the cycle where it wants to break down the fat but is missing B12 vitamin…
  • I agree I am a Nutrition major and if you want to find out why chemically your body converts this "diet food " into calories even though it not at first metabolizes as calories what this video it is super important to your health and if you do REALLY want to lose weight.
  • If you need any advice just ask. feel free to say whats on your mind and track your food so we can help!
  • Blah blah blah I need friend support please someone send me friend request? Jenkay87