LOSE 50+ pounds by July 1st CHALLENGE!!! PART 2



  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    SW: 246
    Weigh-in 2: 236.5
    Weigh-in 3: 239.5 (oh TOM how I hate you)
    CW: 235.5

    Lost 10.5 lbs

    Still have 39.5 left to lose for this challenege
  • madijo41
    madijo41 Posts: 367 Member
    I got nothin' zilch, big zero, didnt loose a thing:(
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Stephanie- I am in another similar challenge and the person who is hosting it has a spreadsheet that we enter our information into through google docs. Her user name is Krys_T. You might want to talk to her about how she set that up. Each week we go to the link she provided choose our username and the week that it is, and then enter in our new weight. She also has a link were we can go and look at the chart for everyone. Then it is very easy to read and she doesn't have to do anything because the spreadsheet does it all for her. Just a thought to make it a little easier on you!
  • Stephanie- I am in another similar challenge and the person who is hosting it has a spreadsheet that we enter our information into through google docs. Her user name is Krys_T. You might want to talk to her about how she set that up. Each week we go to the link she provided choose our username and the week that it is, and then enter in our new weight. She also has a link were we can go and look at the chart for everyone. Then it is very easy to read and she doesn't have to do anything because the spreadsheet does it all for her. Just a thought to make it a little easier on you!

    Thank you, I will contact her and figure out how we can do that too. Amy, I recieved your chart. Thank you for making it. I will have it posted on Monday, so I can add everyones new weigh ins. This was a rough rough week. My internet went out, and had car issues. I weighed in today and up 2.5 lbs from last week (CW 216.5-48.5 left to go for challenge) I have no excuses. I am committed this week to getting completely back on track starting today. I have started the South Beach Diet and will stick to it this time. Good luck this week everyone. Thank you all for weighing in.
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Starting weight:172
    Jan 8: 170.8
    Jan 15: 170.0
    Current Weight: 167.8
    Total loss this week: 2.2 Pounds

    Overall, i am so happy about this weeks results. Last week i barely lost anything. Then for this week, i took in more calories and started having protein shakes. I honestly felt i would gain a pound because i am doing my workouts without a HRM and takin in more calores. But nope, i got a good number this week. All i can say is Awesome and i'm out of the 170'S B*@tches. hee hee. I really didn't mean that literally. I'm just so excited.
  • Jewels1296
    Jewels1296 Posts: 17 Member
    01/01/2011 SW: 236.0
    01/08/2011 CW: 231.2
    01/15/2011 CW: 226.6
    01/22/2011 CW: 222.2

    Down 4.4 lbs this week, 13.8 lbs total since January 1st!!!!!!!!!!
  • WeeFlower
    WeeFlower Posts: 18 Member
    Start 21-Jan-2011
    Weigh-in @ 232lbs
    Heaviest ever
    Height: 5'4

    1st Target : 229lbs

    Can't wait to reach : 199 lbs to move out of the 200 Zone!!!

    I need this Motivation Blog to do with same people who feel like me and with your support keep me motivated..

  • knapowell
    knapowell Posts: 230 Member
  • knapowell
    knapowell Posts: 230 Member
  • emkamp03
    emkamp03 Posts: 44 Member
    starting weight (1/1):198
    1/7: 197
    1/15: 196
    1/22: 198
    Goal Weight: 148

    Ok I weighed on Wednesday and was down to 195.....now I am feeling the girlyness monthy stuff and ya know what comes with that.....grrrrrr. I keep trying to stay in my calories and here in a couple days it will be better, it had better be!!!
  • carlamorris
    carlamorris Posts: 29 Member
    total loss this week:2lbs
    total loss since the first :6lbs
    44 lbs to go

    this week was better than my 0.6 loss last week. i was kinda upset because i was at 216 on wen so i was hoping i could be at 215 by today, but im sure ill be pass 215 by next sat . Good job everyone !:drinker:
  • knapowell
    knapowell Posts: 230 Member
    1/1/11 - 257
    1/8/11 - 255.25
    1/15/11 - 252.5
    1/21/11 - 252

    5lbs total
  • 1/1/11 - 344.8
    1/8/11 - 343
    1/15/11 - 343.4
    1/22/11 -341.8
    Down a total of 3 pounds since the start of this challenge, so 47 more pounds to reach my goal! We'll get there!
    Thanx for posting that chart, I was just about to go back and look through all those posts to try to find my weight each week, you saved me some time!!
  • ngory07
    ngory07 Posts: 194 Member
    I will take this challenge!!! I am 296 today and have 50 lbs to go!!!
  • jenkay87
    jenkay87 Posts: 10 Member
    Blah blah blah I need friend support please someone send me friend request? Jenkay87
  • knapowell
    knapowell Posts: 230 Member
    I apologize if I left anyone off of the chart, or if I got any information wrong. If I have, please post your missing/wrong information, and I will update on the next chart.
  • Christin09
    Christin09 Posts: 143 Member
    Ok well I didn't gain and didn't lose still at 200.2 and happy considering the week I've had... I have 45.2 pounds to go!
  • Chirron
    Chirron Posts: 18
    Screen Name: Chirron
    1/1/11: 193.4
    1/8/11: 189.2
    1/15/11: 190
    1/22/11: 189.5

    3.9lbs gone, 46.1 more to go.
  • Hi I would love to join in I started my diet on 1-11-11 and I weighed 289
    I weighed in today and I am at 276 I lost 13lbs! I can not believe it
    If I can be 239 by July I will be ready for my daughters July 3rd wedding!

    Just found this site today, and feel so encouraged by your all!
    Heres for doing this together.

    start 1-11-11 weight 289
    1-22-11 weight 279
    loss 13 lbs
    50lb goal 239
    total goal 160
  • 2Young4This
    2Young4This Posts: 172 Member
    Hey everyone, glad I found the post!

    Screen Name: 2Young4This
    Starting Weight (On January 1st 2011): 157.8
    8th Jan 2011: 157.2
    15th Jan 2011: 153.6
    22nd Jan 2011: 151
    Lost in this challenge: 6.8
    Goal by Jul 1st, 2011: 110 (41 pounds to go)
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