

  • Thanks a bunch- very interesting! I clicked on your profile- I am still doing couch 2 5k runs once a week just to mix things up! I also recommend the Allsport GPS LE (it's free!) app, it'sgreat for mapping runs, biking, even driving if you need it for mileage tracking. It runs great on my iPhone and good on my boyfriends…
  • Try adding a hardboiled egg as a snack, celery and peanut butter, or just adding snacks that are full of protein, not sugar. A half cup of Fatfree or lowfat cottage cheese with some fruit is another good snack. For your breakfast, plain rolled oats with some fruit added, or even adding a bit of rolled oats to your smoothie…
  • Although I have not tried it yet, Insanity has done wonders for a few of my friends- they both lost an average of 4 lbs a week. If you can't do that - just try to keep your workouts different- do a few HIIT sessions a week - make sure you are lifting weights a couple times a week too. Tabata intervals are supposed to kick…