TheHamAmbergler Member


  • Thanks for the tip! I am really bad about drinking water... I might try the lemon idea! Are the flavor packets a good idea to try? I've heard a bit of controversy about those, so I'm not sure if I should try them or not?
  • Thank you all so much for your support and inspirational words!
  • Thank You! Calorie wise I'm aiming to eat between 700-1,000 but MFP says I should be eating 1,780 which seems way to high!
  • You are exactly the person I need! I will be strict with you, and if I see your losing your "mojo" to diet, I will tell you to step it up. I encourage you to do the same to me! People who are too sympathetic actually hurt, more than help... Sometimes people need to be told to stop being a fatty.